====== Contingency Plan ====== **Contingency Plan** is a DLC expansion for Invisible, Inc. which adds more content and gameplay mechanics to the base game, including [[:missions:#special missions]], [[:guards:]], [[:security measures]] and [[:missions:#side missions]], as well as additional [[:agents:]], [[:items:]], [[:augments:]], [[:programs:]] and [[:daemons:]]. The Contingency Plan DLC is available either separately or as a bundle with the base game for Windows, OS\ X and Linux; it is also included in the PlayStation 4 [[:Console edition]] and the [[:Nintendo Switch edition]] of the game, but is not available for the [[:iPad edition]]. ===== Additional content ===== The Contingency Plan DLC adds the following content to the game: * The agents [[:agents:Derek]], [[:agents:Draco]], [[:agents:Olivia]] and [[:agents:Rush]]. * The [[:items:Cry Baby]] and [[:items:Flash Pack]] items. * The [[:weapons:Thermal Disruptor]], [[:weapons:K&O's "Lance" Rifle]] and [[:weapons:Mono Molecular Rail Gun]] weapons. * [[:tiers#Tier IV items]] and weapons which have a single "charge" per mission. * The [[:augments:Brain Chip]] augments, [[:augments:Carbon Myomer]], [[:augments:Gel Injectors]], [[:augments:Pheromone Filter]] and [[:augments:Reactive Myomer]]. * The programs [[:programs:Aces]], [[:programs:Bless]], [[:programs:Burst]], [[:programs:Cycle]] and [[:programs:Golem]]. * The daemons [[:daemons:Castle]], [[:daemons:Chiton]], [[:daemons:Echo]], [[:daemons:Jolt]], [[:daemons:Portcullis]] and [[:daemons:Watchdog]]. * [[:guards:Flack Guards]], [[:guards:Pulse Drones]], [[:guards:Sirens]] and [[:guards:class|Lvl2 Elite class]] guards. * Two [[:missions:#special missions]] which extend the game's story, and four [[:missions:#side missions]] which can occur within regular missions. * [[:lore:Datalogs]] containing [[:lore:]] about each agent. All Contingency Plan DLC content is available without needing to be [[:unlockable content|unlocked]], except for the [[:lore:datalogs]] which are unlocked by completing [[:missions:Data Banks]] side-missions. Other pages on this wiki use the icon [icon:CP] to indicate Contingency Plan DLC content. ===== Extended campaign ===== ===== Additional Endless content ===== {{tag>incomplete}}