====== Support Guard ====== [{{ :guards:portrait:support_guard_ftm.png?168|FTM Support Guard portrait}}] [{{ :guards:portrait:support_guard_ko.png?168|K&O Support Guard portrait}}] **Support Guards** are [[:guards:#armed guards]] equipped with [[#Flash Grenades]]. They are found in [[:corporations:FTM]] and [[:corporations:K&O]] facilities at [[:mission difficulty#mission difficulty 2]] and higher. ^ [[Class]] | Elite | ^ Movement | 8 [[:AP]] | ^ Weapon | [[:Lethal damage]] | ^ [[:Armor]] | --- | ^ [[:Vision]] | 8 tiles, 45° arc \\ 10 tiles, 90° arc peripheral | ^ Other traits | [[:Heart Monitor]] \\ [[#Flash Grenades]] | ^ Loot when [[:stealing]] | 80 [[:credits]] \\ [[:items:Flash Grenade]] (33.3%) \\ [[:items:Charge Pack]] (3.3%) \\ [[:items:Med Gel]] (3.3%) | ^ Loot when [[:stealing#expert stealing]] | [[:items:Flash Grenade]] (25%) \\ [[:items:Med Gel]] (7.5%) \\ [[:weapons:Neural Disruptor]] (2.5%) \\ [[:items:Stim I]] (2.5%) | ===== Flash Grenades ===== > //Grenade out!// \\ ---[[:guards|A guard]] A guard with Flash Grenades, when investigating an [[:guard_behaviour#interest point]], will sometimes throw a Flash Grenade. They must have line of sight (ignoring [[:cover#soft cover]]) on their [[:guard_behaviour#interest point]], and they may throw the grenade close to, but not exactly on, that [[:guard_behaviour#interest point]]. Flash grenades are shown as a small item on the ground with a flashing red light, and an ambient beeping sound when the camera is near it (not a [[:noise]]). A Flash Grenade will explode at the beginning of the next [[:corporation]] turn, dealing 2 [[:KO]] damage to all [[:agents]], rescued [[:Couriers]], or [[:Prisoners]] that are within line of sight (ignoring [[:cover#soft cover]]) of the grenade and are a [[wp>Euclidean distance]] of less than 4 from the grenade. Flash Grenades thrown by [[:guards]] do not [[:KO]] other [[:guards]]. The grenade's blast zone is briefly shown with red tiles when it is thrown, but there is no way of viewing this range later. Though Support Guards may also have the item [[:items:Flash Grenade]] to steal, stealing this item does not affect the Support Guard's behaviour at all, and a Support Guard using its Flash Grenade ability will not deplete a [[:items:Flash Grenade]] from its inventory. {{tag>incomplete}}