====== Nanofab Vestibule ====== [{{ :missions:preview:nanofab_vestibule.png|Nanofab Vestibule mission preview}}] > //Most nanofabs have advanced security protocols to prevent unlicensed fabrications. The fabricator at this location has been compromised, so we will be able to construct a wider range of items.// \\ ---[[:agents:Central]] **Nanofab Vestibules** are a type of [[:mission]] which can occur in both [[:modes:#Campaign modes]] and [[:modes:#Endless modes]]. The primary objective of a Nanofab Vestibule mission is to find and access the [[#unlocked Nanofabricator]], which offers the opportunity to buy and sell [[:items:]], [[:weapons:]] and [[:augments:]]. The Nanofab Vestibule [[:facility#objective rooms|objective room]] is not protected by any specific [[:security measures]]. There are three [[:prefab]] Nanofab Vestibule layouts: ^ Prefab layout ^ Description ^ | [[:prefabs:Nanofab Vestibule 1]] | - | | [[:prefabs:Nanofab Vestibule 2]] | - | | [[:prefabs:Nanofab Vestibule 3]] | - | The Nanofab Vestibule mission objective is optional; if you find the [[:facility#exit room]] and try to leave without accessing the [[#unlocked Nanofabricator]], you will be warned by a dialog box, but this only asks you to confirm that you want to leave. ===== Unlocked Nanofabricator ===== > //Do you think we have too many [[:credits]]? Rectify that problem at this nanofab.// \\ ---[[:agents:Central]] The [[:mainframe devices:Nanofabricator#unlocked Nanofabricator]] is found in the [[:facility#objective rooms|objective room]] of a Nanofab Vestibule mission. After it is hacked, it can be accessed by an [[:agent]] on an adjacent tile to buy and sell [[:items:]], [[:weapons:]] and [[:augments]]. The unlocked Nanofabricator has the same range of potentially available items to purchase as the [[:mainframe devices:Nanofabricator#basic Nanofabricator|basic type of Nanofabricator]], but has a larger selection to choose from. Accessing the unlocked Nanofabricator triggers the corporation's [[#security response]]. ===== Security response ===== > //Head office is catching on to us. Several devices have been remotely rebooted --- I hope we don't run out of [[:PWR]].// \\ ---[[:agents:Central]] After the [[#unlocked Nanofabricator]] is accessed for the first time in the mission, three random hacked [[:mainframe devices:]] are [[:rebooting#recapturing|rebooted and recaptured]]. The recaptured devices [[:rebooting|reboot]] for 1 turn, and then return to the enemy's control with 1 [[:firewall]] each. The unlocked Nanofabricator itself may be one of the devices recaptured. Some devices --- [[:drones]], [[:guards:Barrier Guards]] and [[:guards:OMNI Protectors]] --- are specifically exempt from being rebooted or recaptured. If there are fewer than three devices eligible to be recaptured, then fewer than three devices are recaptured. The security response is triggered when the Nanofabricator dialog is closed after accessing it, even if no items were bought or sold. The security response is triggered at most once in the mission; accessing the unlocked Nanofabricator again does not cause more devices to be recaptured.