^ This page contains spoilers for the game's story and a special mission. ^ ====== Research Facility ====== [{{ :missions:preview:research_facility.png?108|Research Facility mission preview}}] > //I'm not going to lie, Operator --- this is a fishing expedition. If the [[:items:Quantum Reservoir|reservoir]] exists it may buy us enough time to find the SecNet root. If not --- it has been nice working with you. Monst3r will meet you at the location. Our agents are expendable, but make sure he survives.// \\ ---[[:agents:Central]] This article is a stub. ===== Access Switches ===== > //Ah. That terminal over there is a ring-0 security switch. They come in pairs. The transporter must have a two man security lock. Somewhere nearby will be this switch's partner.// \\ ---[[:agents:Monst3r]] ===== Exit teleporter ===== > //The security system has been deactivated. Serves them right for buying cheap knockoff equipment. If they had bought those parts from me, we'd still be locked out.// \\ ---[[:agents:Monst3r]] {{tag>incomplete}}