====== Beginner ====== > //**For players just starting out.** If you are new to Invisible, Inc. we suggest selecting this mode. This mode is designed to teach you the unique mechanics of the game, and will still provide a formidable challenge.// **Beginner** is the lowest [[:modes:|game difficulty setting]] for the campaign mode. ===== Differences to other modes ===== Beginner mode has many small differences to other modes, most of which are intended to make the game easier for new players, while some differences simplify the game by delaying the introduction of some game mechanics. Beginner mode has the following differences compared to [[Experienced]] mode: * By default, you have 5 [[:rewinds]] instead of 3, and [[:rewinds#level retries]] are enabled. * The effects of [[:alarm level]] changes happen later in the mission, or are less severe. * There are fewer [[:guards:]] per mission. * Guard [[:guard behaviour#patrolling|patrol paths]] are shorter, usually do not go through [[:doors]], and guards never patrol into the [[:facility#starting room]]. No room initially has more than one guard. * There is no "increased [[:missions:OMNI Mainframe#final resistance]]" in the [[:missions:OMNI Mainframe]] mission. * [[:Daemons:]] are installed on fewer [[:mainframe devices:]]. Many of the differences between Beginner mode and other modes are not configurable in [[Custom]] modes, and only apply when the mode is "Beginner" rather than "Custom". When playing with //any// custom settings, the following differences do not apply: * The first [[:missions:Executive Terminals]] mission never has a [[:mainframe devices:Database]] or a [[:mainframe devices:Secondary Server Terminal]]. * Infiltration targets on day 1 are never [[:mission difficulty]]\ 2, and the infiltration targets which appear on the transition to day 2 are never mission difficulty 3. * The first set of infiltration targets never includes a [[:missions:Chief Financial Suite]] mission. * The first [[:missions:Detention Center]] mission always has an agent, instead of a high-value [[:Prisoner]]. * [[:buying from Monst3r|Monst3r]] sells from a different pool of items, weapons and augments, and sells at predictable times instead of randomly. * There is a different distribution of [[:programs:]] available in [[:mainframe devices:Secondary Server Terminals]], and some programs are never available from Secondary Server Terminals. * [[:guards:OMNI Harbingers]] do not have [[:armor]], and [[:guards:OMNI Protectors]] have 6 [[:firewalls]] instead of 8. {{tag>incomplete}}