====== Programs Extended ====== * Steam Workshop Page: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=555765765 * Mod Signature Icon: {{:icon:programs_extended.png?nolink}} * Author: wodzu_93 **Programs Extended** is an expansive content mod that is focused on mainframe aspect of Invisible, Inc. gameplay. It adds many new [[:programs]], hostile [[:daemons]], beneficial [[:algorithms]], changes balance of existing ones, as well as introducing a completely new feature in the form of corporate owned [[:mods:programs_extended:hostile_ai|Counterintelligence AI]] - imagine [[:Incognita]], but as an opponent that will hinder player efforts during missions. Additionaly, player has an option to make [[:security_measures|security measures]] from [[:alarm_tracker|Alarm Tracker]] harder for more challenge. ---- ===== Features ===== * 44 new [[:mods:programs_extended:programs]]. 13 of them are available as starting options, without the need to [[:unlockable_content|unlock]] them beforehand. * 19 new [[:mods:programs_extended:daemons]]. 6 of them have [[modes:endless|Endless]] variants. * 8 new [[:mods:programs_extended:algorithms]]. * Significant rebalance of existing [[:programs]], which include things like their effects, costs and presence in shops. Details [[:mods:programs_extended:changes|here]]. * [[missions:server_farm|Server Farms]] update: Added **Auxiliary Server Terminal** with a selection of 6 [[:programs]]. * [[:programs|Programs]] that were not available in shops before are added to selection. Rarity of programs has been standardised as **Common**, **Uncommon** and **Rare**. * [[:mainframe_devices:primary_server_terminal|Primary Server Terminal]] sells [[:programs:breakers|breaker programs]] only. Rest are sold in [[:mainframe_devices:secondary_server_terminal|Secondary]] and Auxiliary Server Terminals. * [[mods:programs_extended:hostile_ai|Counterintelligence AI]] - corporations have their own [[:Incognita]], armed with [[:mods:programs_extended:subroutines|Subroutines]] that hinders the player in many ways and gets exponentially more dangerous as campaign progresses. * Endless Daemons appearance time can be customised. * [[:mods:programs_extended:alarm_tracker|Extended Alarms]] feature, that severely increases difficulty of [[:security_measures|security measures]] added from [[:alarm_tracker|Alarm Tracker]].