====== OMNI Foundry Lab starting room ====== This [[:prefab]] is both the starting room and exit room in the [[:missions:OMNI Foundry Lab]] mission. There is a 3x3 teleporter pad with three [[:doors]] to the rest of the room, which contains a [[:Console]] and some [[:cover]] objects. The unique layout of cover objects in this room gives spaces for up to four [[:agents:]] to hide indefinitely from all [[:guards:]]. The four tiles on the south-east wall by the Console become inaccessible to guards when the paths are blocked by agents in cover, so even if a guard [[:guard behaviour#interest point|notices]] an agent there, he cannot step past the cover objects to see and [[:guard behaviour#overwatch]] the agent. However, this can cause a [[:softlocks#trapped in cover|softlock]] if the agency has no way to [[:attack]] or [[:strategy:distraction|distract]] the guard to escape. {{ foundry_lab_entrance.png?640 }}