====== Aces ====== [{{ aces.png|Aces program icon}}] [{{ :algorithms:aces.png|Aces algorithm icon}}] **Aces** is a [[utility|utility program]] which lowers the [[:armor]] of [[:TAG|TAGged]] [[:guards:]] by 1 for one turn. It costs 2\ [[:PWR]] to use, and has a cooldown of 3 turns. Aces can be bought from some [[:mainframe devices:Server Terminals]] for 600 [[:credits]]. Aces' effect works by triggering an [[:algorithm]], which is also called Aces. The Aces algorithm can only be triggered by the Aces program, not by [[:daemons:#daemon reversal]]. Aces is found in the [[:Contingency Plan]] DLC. ===== Strategy ===== Overall, Aces is not a //bad// program, but it is highly situational --- it can work well as part of a specific strategy, but in most [[:loadouts]] there are better options. At 600 credits, Aces is also quite expensive for a utility program. Aces lowers the [[:armor]] level of guards, so it has a similar purpose to the armor-piercing bonuses of [[:augments:Penetration Scanner]], [[:augments:Piercing Scanner]] or a [[:items:Ventricular Lance]]. The upside is that Aces works for every agent instead of just one; the downside is that it only works on TAGged guards, so Aces is only useful in combination with [[Wisp]] or a [[:weapons:TAG pistol]]. However, TAGging guards makes it easier to avoid them, so being able to attack them is less important. Unlike armor-piercing bonuses which only affect attacks made by agents, Aces also lets you use [[:mainframe devices:Turrets]] or hacked [[:guards:Obake Drones]] to shoot guards with 1 armor; hacked [[:guards:Akuma Drones]] can also be used to shoot guards up to armor level 3, such as [[:guards:OMNI Soldiers]]. Because Aces technically works by triggering an algorithm, [[:agents:Central]]'s [[:augments:Antiviral Proxy]] augment generates +5\ [[:PWR]] when Aces is used, for a net +3\ PWR. Aces can therefore be used as a [[generator]] when Central is on your team, for an average of +1\ PWR per turn if you use Aces every 3 turns.