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Agent | Loadout | Custom Augments | Custom Items | Base Game Items |
Schysm | ||||
Schysm | On File | Chronal Reciprocator Rewinds to the start of the previous turn, keeping the unit in place. Duplicates of the unit and their inventory remain for the duration of the turn. Locks SPEED skill at 2. | — | Neural disrupter |
Urist | ||||
Urist | On File | S.O.C.K. Dispencer Deploys a SOCK on next turn if none exist. A random guard will come to remove it, then get TAGGED. | Atom Smasher Place on the ground. Activate in the mainframe to destroy all objects on the same floortile. Lethal. | — |
Urist | Archive | Breaching Kit Can remove walls. Removal takes three enemy turns. The other side must be known. Makes noise. | — | Neural D.A.R.T. |
Agent 47 | ||||
Agent 47 | On File | Disguise Fabricator Use on a KO'd or dead guard to generate a Disguise. Disguised agent cannot hide in cover. Disguise lasts until guard wakes up, guard corpse is discovered, user sprints, attacks or is seen by any guard from 1 tile away. | Fiber Wire KO strike, followed by a kill. Does not work against drones. Can only be used directly from behind target. Silverballer Ranged targets. Lethal damage. No reloads. Recovers 1 ammo between missions. | — |
Transistor - Red | ||||
Red | On File | Transistor Unique algorithms activate while agents are dying. Can put agents into critical condition remotely as well as bring them out of it. This consumes an attack. | — | Neural disrupter |
Dull | ||||
Dull | On File | Experimental Cybernetic Frame Allows to scrap installed augments. It returns 50% of its cost, adds augment slot, reduces items cooldowns and EMPs devices around in 5 tiles range. | — | Neural disrupter |
Carmen Sandiego | ||||
Carmen | On File | The Greatest Thief Stealing from a safe reveals Carmen's location and gives her 2 AP, once per safe. PASSIVE: Agent cannot be encumbered, STRENGTH skill locked at 1, dragging speed heavily reduced. | Custom Safecracking Tools Target adjacent safe. Break firewalls equal to this agent's ANARCHY skill. | — |
Mods Combo by Shirsh | ||||
Dr. Pedler | ON FILE | Heavy Frame Access consoles 3 tiles away. +2 KO melee but 3AP cost. Break unlocked doors (-2 PWR, -2AP). Carry +1 item without encumbrance. KO immune. Extra noisy sprint. | Scanning Beacons Throw to scan a room for agents or guards. Gives temporary vision of guards in the room Cybermat Disrupter Melee range. Grants +1 PWR when used. | — |
Mist | On File | Sensory Inhibitor Renders a guard in this agent's direct vision unable to hear or see intruders for one turn. Consumes 2 PWR plus 2 per every mind already being shaded. Uses Attack. Range: 7 tiles. | Weak Volt Disrupter Melee range | Hologram Projector |
Ghuff | On File | Reptilian Eyes Peeking through doors gives full vision. Can find Corporate Intel in large safes. | Decoy Pack Will be identified as an intruder. Disappears when shot. Self-destruction creates a noise that reaches 4 tiles and resets the aim of guards in the area. | Neural disrupter |
N-Umi | On File | E-store account link This agent can buy PWR through exclusive channels. Buy 1 PWR for 74 CR. Costs 1 AP. | Spider Drone Kit Throw to deploy a Spider Drone. | Neural disrupter |
LONE START | — | — | — | |
Talon Recruitment | ||||
SOMBRA | On File | Ranged EMP Remotely hijack consoles to store charge. Use charge to remotely EMP systems or temporarily open locked Security doors up to 8 tiles away. Uses Charge equal to half the target's Firewall, minimum 1. | Hacked Cloaking Rig Cloaks user for 6 tiles and grants a 3AP boost. Translocator Teleport beacon. Throw to place. Self destructs at end of the following turn. | — |
WIDOWMAKER | On File | WIDOWSIGHT Peeking reveals unseen guards within 6 tiles. +1 Ranged Armor Pierce on Observed and Tagged guards | Widow's Kiss Can toggle between Assualt Mode and Sniper mode; Assault Mode uses Charges to deal low KO, while Sniper uses Ammo for an armor piercing kill shot. To use a chargepack, swap to the mode you wish to refill. Venom Mine Throw to place. Triggers on enemy movement through adjacent squares, distracting and tagging affected guards. | — |
Into the Breach Agents | ||||
Bethany | On File | Quantum Attunement Rig Agent starts out cloaked. Lose cloak when ATTACKING, SPRINTING, or at ALARM LEVEL 1. | Cryo Gun KO damage. Knocked out target is encased in a solid, impassable block of ice that disappears when they wake up. | — |
Bethany | Archive | Pinnacle Shield Mesh Agent starts every mission with a shield. Shield is disrupted after absorbing one instance of lethal damage. | Cryo Gun KO damage. Knocked out target is encased in a solid, impassable block of ice that disappears when they wake up. | — |
Silica | On File | X-Ray Targeting Module Agent can shoot any ranged weapon through walls. Target must be visible to the player. -1 max AP. | Battery-Powered T.A.G. Pistol Tags a guard to show his patrol path. Draws on battery power instead of the PWR grid. | — |
Silica | Archive | Flurry Targeting Module If agent hasn't yet moved this turn, agent has infinite attacks. | Flurry D.A.R.T. Infinite ammo. Can only be fired for one turn per mission. Still consumes an agent's attack. KO damage. | Neural disrupter |
Archimedes | On File | Reflux Splice Wiring When using an item, agent gains AP equal to the item's cooldown. | Pinnacle D.A.R.T. Recharges every 7 turns. | Neural disrupter |
Archimedes | Archive | Sadochistic Wiring Ranged kills restore full AP. Agent cannot melee. | Pinnacle Cannon Recharges every 3 turns. Costs 4 PWR to use. Lethal damage. | — |
Camila | On File | Bronchoconverter Fibers Agent can attack twice if in smoke. Ignores certain AP debuffs. | Camila's Smoke Grenade Throw to create a cloud of smoke that occludes vision in an area. Lasts TWO turns. | Volt Disrupter I |
Henry | On File | Vestibular Calibrators Spend 2 AP to path through another unit. Flips facing direction on enemies and causes them to investigate on their turn. | — | Neural disrupter |
Henry | Archive | Sympathetic Amplifier When escaping overwatch, agent gains AP equal to 2 times the number of previously overwatching enemies. | — | Neural disrupter |
Lily | On File | Hyperactivity Amplifier Agent has +2 max AP and free peeking while alarm level is under 1. -1 to melee KO damage (minimum 1). | — | Neural disrupter Buster chip 1 |
Gana | On File | Geolocator Envelope Agent deploys on a random unseen tile somewhere in the facility. Doesn't apply in story missions. | Thermite Torch Instantly breaks open a locked security door. Does not work on vault doors. | Thermal Disrupter I |
Flavorful Agents | ||||
Internationale | On File | Wireless Scouter Reveals mainframe objects over 6 tiles; can uncover Daemons in line of sight. Cannot attack unless using stims or an agent is threatened. Can never kill. | Shock Stims Restores 4 AP. All Stims override Pacifism. | — |
Prism | On File | Subcutaneous Holographic Mesh Generates a disguise while active. Sprinting and attacking disables the effect. Reduces MaxAP per turn used, does not work at 0MaxAP. | L.A.R. Pistol High velocity tag launcher. Safely KO and Revive allies. Copycard Scan a target's Keycard to temporarily turn this item into duplicate of it. Passwords on single-use cards are still compromised if the copy is used. Resets between levels. | — |
Prism | Archive | Digital Handshake Melee range. Finds an information packet on guards. | — | Holo Mesh |
Shalem 11 | On File | High-Speed Optics +1 armour piercing during ranged overwatch. Tag targets to disable heart monitors with PWR. Skeletal Gearing Hide corpses in safes. Halves cleanup cost for corpse when used. | — | Desert Wind |
Shalem | Archive | Hypodermatic Field Kit Spend a turn to revive a KO'd ally. Requires and uses Attack and full AP. Passive: restores 1 Ammo to all held items between missions. | Snap-Grenade Belt Knocks out electronics for one turn. Charges restock between missions. Service Rifle Can shoot multiple times a round. Requires resetting between uses, which consumes an attack. | — |
Banks | On File | Archway Master Allows remote control of visible doors via nearby consoles; can open secure/vault doors until end of turn. Vision reduced to 2 tiles. | Paralyzer Dart KOs or increases KO by 3 turns. Can be used in melee or thrown. Must be collected from target if thrown. | — |
Monst3r | On File | Fabricator Multithreading Access Nanofabricators from any captured console. Purchases have a 15% discount, but are stored within the Nanofab and must be manually picked up. | — | Overclocked Neural D.A.R.T. |
Central | On File | Refraction Chamber Gain +1 PWR when a mainframe device is hacked. Max +2 PWR per turn. | — | Neural disrupter |
Decker | On File | Personal Daemon Installs or relocates the daemon 'WHISTLEBLOW' to a mainframe item the agent can see. Prompts nearby guard to inspect when activated. | — | Neural disrupter Modded Cloaking Rig |
Decker | Archive | — | Knuckle Disrupters KOs a Guard until end of turn and tags them. KO duration cannot be increased. Refurbished Revolver Ranged targets. Lethal damage. Ignores Armour, Disables Shields and Heart Monitors. Cannot reload. | Sensory Injector |
Rush | Archive | Kinetic Capacitor +3 MaxAP, -3 Sprint Bonus. Slowly converts MaxAP to Sprint Bonus. Adds Bullrush | — | Neural disrupter |
Draco | Archive | NEURAL PATTERN GRID Scan KO'd targets to reveal unknown areas of the map. Dead targets reveal larger, prioritized areas. +1 drag cost. Reflector Rig Renders the agent permanently invisible to cameras and turrets. | Volt Paralyzer Melee range, does not move target | — |
Sharp | On File | Modular Cybernetic Frame X8 +1 Augment slot. Can eject the agent's most recently installed augment at will. Uses 1PWR and 1AP per eject. | — | Neural disrupter |
Dr. Xu | On File | Subdermal Tools Exchange ammo for single-use gadgets. 'Selling' gadgets provides ammo rather than credits. Templates require turn cooldown between use. Regenerates 100 Ammo between missions. Agent's AP is reduced by 1 | — | — |
Dr. Xu | Archive | — | — | Thermal Generator Tony's shock trap Tony's EMP Pack |
More Archived Agents | ||||
Decker | ARCHIVE B | Daemon-Powered Subdermal Cloak Renders the user invisible after a DAEMON install until their next turn, until they attack, or until they move more than 4 tiles. | — | Neural disrupter |
Internationale | ARCHIVE B | Wireless Heart Monitor Scanner Automatically reveals any guard with an enabled heart monitor in a 6-tile radius. | — | Neural disrupter |
Shalem 11 | ARCHIVE B | Targeting Visor Target a guard to track it. Tracked guards remain visible. After 1 turn of tracking the user ignores any armor with ranged shots on the target. Tracking is lost upon moving. | Night Hawk Ranged targets. Lethal damage. X-Ray. Sniper's Cloak Renders the user invisible until they attack or move. Does not work at maximum ALARM LEVEL. Can't be used while sighted. | — |
Banks | ARCHIVE B | Banks's Shadow Cloak User isn't noticed in peripheral vision. | Neurotoxin Dart Gun Greatly reduces target's movement and vision. Has diminishing effects on repeated use on the same target. | — |
Tony | ARCHIVE B | Wireless Trap Interface Allows the user to locate (1 PWR) or activate (2 PWR) an installed Heartshock Trap. | Tony's Homemade Heartshock Trap Place onto a guard. Use the Spot EMP Detonates at the end of the turn. Disables all Mainframe devices and drones in a range of 1 tile | — |
Nika | ARCHIVE B | Adrenaline Amplifier The user gets 1 Adrenaline when seen in peripheral vision, and 3 Adrenaline when seen in full vision. Spend 2 Adrenaline to increase the next melee attack's KO DAMAGE or ARMOR PIERCING by 1. The buff expires by next turn. | — | Neural disrupter |
Sharp | ARCHIVE B | Modular Cybernetic Powerframe Start with 6 augment slots. Each 2 augments installed give one charge on mission start. Use 1 charge to reduce an item's cooldown by 5. | — | Neural disrupter |
Prism | ARCHIVE B | Mainframe Neural Interface Allows the user to enter the mainframe from a console. User is KO'd for the duration and loses 1 maxAP every turn spent inside the mainframe. If user's maxAP drops to 4 or less, they are forced to leave the mainframe. Outside the mainframe they recover 1 maxAP each turn. | — | Accelerator Chip I |
Central | ON FILE B | Incognita Routine Interface Allows the user to overcharge Incognita to temporarily increase her firewall-breaking abilities by 1 and reset all programs' cooldowns. Incognita suffers an overcharge backlash for the rest of the mission, increasing all programs' PWR cost by 1. Incognita can be reset once per mission. | Power Bank Gain 5 PWR. Can't be reloaded. | Neural disrupter |
Monst3r | ON FILE B | Advanced Nanofab Subroutine Allows the user to access a restricted selection of 1 Augment/Weapon and 1 Item in all nanofabs. | — | Overclocked Neural D.A.R.T. |
Decker | ARCHIVE C | Defibrillator Revive the user via the mainframe for 2 PWR. Increase cost by +1 PWR every time the defibrillator is used. | Whiskey Get drunk. Drunk agents make 4-tile range noise when sneaking, can't sprint, can't use ranged weapons and deal +1 KO DAMAGE. If user is already drunk gain +3 AP, +1 ARMOR PIERCING and +2 KO DAMAGE for one turn. Decker is always drunk. | Neural disrupter |
Internationale | ARCHIVE C | Idle Cycle Processor At turn start: -1 AP. Gain +1 AP for every 6 PWR stored. | Portable Power Battery Increases PWR capacity by 10 while deployed. Generate 1 PWR per turn, with a maximum of 5 PWR total per mission. | Neural disrupter |
Shalem 11 | ARCHIVE C | Kill Validator One bounty appears on every mission. Kill the target and scan its dead body to claim the bounty. Killing the target does not count towards cleanup costs. | Lethal Injection Kill a KO'd guard. Bypasses any kill-preventing conditions. Does not work with Anatomy Analysis. | Neural disrupter |
Banks | ARCHIVE C | Neural Targetor The user's melee attacks do not alert guards. -2 KO DAMAGE on melee attacks. +1 cooldown on melee weapons. | — | Neural disrupter |
Dr. Xu | ARCHIVE C | — | Tony's Toolkit Permanently upgrade an item's properties. Possible upgrades: Decrease cooldown Increase max charges Increase max ammo Decrease PWR cost Increase KO DAMAGE Increase ARMOR PIERCING Remove skill requirements Can't be reloaded. | Neural disrupter |
Nika | ARCHIVE C | Reflex Injector Dodge a shot. Uses one charge per guard per turn. Doesn't work on shots from automated systems. Charges maintain between Missions. Can't be recharged. | — | Hand cannon |
Sharp | ARCHIVE C | Modular Robotic Frame Start with 6 augment slots. Gain +1.5 AP for -1 PWR. Speed skill locked. | — | Neural disrupter |
Monst3r | ON FILE C | — | Weapon Trader License Replace this item with a random weapon on mission start. Only works, if the license owner is holding the license when entering the mission. The weapon will turn back into the license on mission end. Item Trader License Replace this item with a random item on mission start. Only works, if the license owner is holding the license when entering the mission. The item will turn back into the license on mission end. | — |
Prism | ARCHIVE C | — | Holographic Motion Capture Suit Carrier can't be seen by cameras. Post-Production Processing Chip Use on a console to create a distraction on a tile visible by a controlled camera. | Neural disrupter |
Central | ON FILE C | Alarm Rerouter Drains 2 PWR for each alarm tracker advance if toggled on. | Blacklisted Nerual Disruptor Melee range | — |
Banks | ARCHIVE D | Wireless Money Transferrer Steal credits from guards and safes from a distance, as long as they are in the agents line of sight. Can detect the amount of credits in a safe or on a guard. | Protocol 78 Chip Use at a console and permanently shut it down. Raise the alarm by 1 additional tick each turn from now on. +5 CR for each safe for every alarm increase. Removes credits in all safes at max alarm level. Effect is stackable. | — |
Sharp | ARCHIVE D | Nuclear Reactor Grants power to Sharp's other augments. The power distribution between the augments can be changed. Only one power can be removed from an augment each turn. The change will take effect at the end of the turn. The reactor's power capacity can be increased by upgrading the reactor skill. Adaptive Leg Servos Each power in this augment increases the Speed skill by 1. Grants the Adaptive Buster Chip Each power in this augment increases the Hacking skill by 1. Grants the Adaptive Arm Servos Each power in this augment increases the Strength skill by 1. Grants the Adaptive Frame Cloak Each power in this augment increases the Anarchy skill by 1. Grants the | — | Neural disrupter |
Olivia | ARCHIVE B | Neural Interrogator Interrogate a KO'd guard to glimpse a random unseen mainframe device or guard. | Tracking Chip TAG a KO'd guard. | Neural disrupter |
Draco | ARCHIVE B | Vampiric Scanner Scan a dead body to permanently buff the Vrykolakas Gun. | Vrykolakas Gun Scan a dead body to permanently buff this gun. | — |
Rush | ARCHIVE B | Echo Injector Gain +2 AP for every guard that heard you sprinting. Max +6 AP per turn. | Turbo Stim Gain +4 AP on sprint bonus. Sprint noise is increased by 2. | Neural disrupter |
Derek | ARCHIVE B | Virus Injector Hack a console to pick a program from a selection of 2 random programs. Increase the number of choices by 1 for every 2 skill points in hacking above 1. The console must be hacked from infront for 2 turns to obtain the program. The program is temporary and is removed from the loadout at mission end. | Modded Smoke Grenade Throw to create a cloud of smoke that occludes vision in an area. | — |
Olivia | ARCHIVE C | Daemon-Powered Disruptor Charger Gains 1 charge on each true daemon install. Use 1 charge to temporarily buff | Olivia's Nerual Disruptor Melee range Neural Disruptor that can be charged by the | — |
Derek | ARCHIVE C | Positive Particle Uplink Permanently links the two agents with Particle Uplinks. -1 max AP Linked agents gain the following abilities: | Negative Particle Uplink No description provided | Neural disrupter |
Draco | ARCHIVE C | Blood Scanner Scanned KO guards generate a random bonus. Dead guards increase the thirst state. Gain max AP, Attacks and ranged Armor Piercing as the thirst state advances. Scanned guards while in the highest state will increase max AP by 2. State slowly decays after each mission, higher states decay more quickly. | — | Neural disrupter Plasma Gun |
Rush | ARCHIVE C | Feedback Processor Gain 1 AP for every point of alarm tracker advance. Does not apply on standard ALARM raise. | K&O Neural Disruptor Melee range Lock Explosive Use on a safe or door to destroy it. KO any unit directly behind targeted door. Increases ALARM by 1. Cost 1 AMMO for Safes and Office Doors, 2 AMMO for Security Doors and 3 AMMO for Vault Doors. | — |
New Agent: Valkyrie | ||||
Valkyrie | On File | Strict Surveillance Black Eye Cameras and Camera Canisters placed by this agent have a microphone unit, which allows them to hear. At the start of your turn, you will automatically observe the movements of every guard that is within sight of a Black Eye Camera or a Camera Canister that was placed by this agent. | Camera Launcher Launch a compact Black Eye Camera at a location that you can see, providing 360 degree vision in an area. Black Eye Cameras can not be recovered. The camera launcher can not be reloaded manually, but is automatically reloaded at the start of each mission. | Neural D.A.R.T. |
New Agent: Elise | ||||
Elise | On File | Database Ping Detects any databases in the facility. Activate to find the Facility Exit for 5 PWR | Elise's Buster Chip Breaks through 2 firewalls. 4 turn cooldown | Neural disrupter |
Elise | Archive | Door Ping Allows remotely toggling doors | — | Neural disrupter Lock Decoder |
Agent Wilson | ||||
Wilson | On File | Perception Modulator Peeking reveals unseen patrolling enemies as shadows. Agent can ambush regardless of attacks used this turn. | — | Volt Disrupter I |
Wilson | Archive | Quantum Refurbisher Can convert items into certain other items. Craftable item pool limited to items Wilson has the skills to use. Target the consumable to use. -1 max AP. | Mysterious Chemical When thrown, produces a 1 tile smoke cloud and KOs any human target (including allies). KO damage is random between 1 and 5. | Charge Pack |
Age of Lever | ||||
Chrysler | On File | Quantum Communicator Nathan may use the OBSERVE action on any guard that is visible to at least one agent or to any hacked device that can 'see' enemies (such as hacked cameras, turrets, or drones). Mastermind Processor Every 2 turns, you may choose to: 1) Generate 1 PWR. 2) Give 2 AP to a single agent or to yourself. | — | Charge Pack |
Chrysler | Archive | Legit Partner LEGIT: Security ignores you until alarm level 5. Status is compromised if agent is caught planting traps/EMP/bombs, stealing, attacking (entering stance counts), dragging bodies or equipping and carrying equipped weapons. Cannot hide behind cover while being LEGIT. -2 AP. Does not work in OMNI facilities. Stall Chip Use on adjacent idle or patrolling human guard while being LEGIT or TRUSTED. Stalls target until user moves. Can only be installed if user is LEGIT or TRUSTED. Cannot be used on alerted guards. Investigating guards ignore stalling. | — | — |
Elias | On File | Distinctive Perceptors This agent can use the OBSERVE action freely, without any AP costs. Melee Master You have access to a special Melee Attack that is completely independent of any equipped weapons. You can use it even if you are unarmed. Cannot be used to Ambush. | — | — |
Elias | Archive | Janitor Clearance HARMLESS: Security ignores you until alarm level 3. Status is compromised if agent is caught doing anything other than walking, peeking and observing guards. Cannot hide behind cover while being HARMLESS. Does not work in OMNI facilities. Sucker Punch While you are LEGIT, TRUSTED, HARMLESS, DISGUISED or INVISIBLE, any melee attack has +1 Armor Piercing and +3 KO damage. | — | Neural disrupter |
Softson | On File | Blueprint Intel When used, immediately reveals all cameras, consoles, safes and facility layout. Can be used once per mission. Lucille 9.0 PWR Stream 80% chance to gain 1 PWR point at the beginning of each turn. | — | Portable Server |
Softson | Archive | Iceman Chip Manually break through 2 Firewalls of an adjacent object. The D.E.D Use to kill a daemon inside an adjacent object. Costs 2 PWR less to kill already identified Daemon. | High School Buster Use this to manually break through 1 Firewall. | — |
Piker | On File | Piker Training Spend turns to open safes and locked doors. Turns required depend on the target and ANARCHY skill: Safes: 1 turn per 2 firewalls. Security Doors: (4 - ANARCHY, min 1) turns. Exit Doors: (6 - ANARCHY) turns. Vault Doors: (8 - ANARCHY) turns. -1 Starting Augment Slot. | — | — |
Piker | Archive | Experimental Cyberthief Instantly hack safes, PWR cost equals safe's firewalls. Spend PWR to instantly unlock any locked door. PWR cost depends on the door type and agent's ANARCHY skill: Security Door: (5 - ANARCHY) PWR Exit Door: (12 - ANARCHY) PWR Vault Door: (18 - ANARCHY) PWR -1 Starting Augment Slot. | — | — |
Sarah | On File | Grifting Alias TRUSTED: Security ignores you until alarm level 4. Status is compromised if agent is caught doing anything other than walking, using doors, peeking and observing guards. Cannot hide behind cover while being TRUSTED. -1 AP. Does not work in OMNI facilities. Pheromone Dispenser Use on a human, not alerted guard to distract him to your position. Can be used when user is HARMLESS, TRUSTED or LEGIT. | — | Hologram Projector |
Sarah | Archive | Old-School Grifting Once per mission while user is caught on Overwatch, you can explain yourself to the guards. This will make them back down, and user gains 'HARMLESS' status. Can be used only on human guards. Does not work in OMNI facilities. Poor Lost Person Use on an idle, armed, human guard to make him escort you to the exit. You will be expected to stay close and visibly leave the level or the alarm will be raised. Can be used when user is HARMLESS, TRUSTED or LEGIT. | — | Camera Canister |
Bevereaux | On File | Grifting Alias TRUSTED: Security ignores you until alarm level 4. Status is compromised if agent is caught doing anything other than walking, using doors, peeking and observing guards. Cannot hide behind cover while being TRUSTED. -1 AP. Does not work in OMNI facilities. | Business Partner Econ Chip Collects credits from consoles instead of PWR. 30 credits per PWR point. Can be used when user is TRUSTED or LEGIT. | — |
Bevereaux | Archive | Old-School Grifting Once per mission while user is caught on Overwatch, you can explain yourself to the guards. This will make them back down, and user gains 'HARMLESS' status. Can be used only on human guards. Does not work in OMNI facilities. Sales Pitch Use on adjacent idle or patrolling human guard while being HARMLESS, TRUSTED or LEGIT. Stalls target until user moves, or 4 turns pass. If guard has been stalled for 4 turns, user status gets upgraded (HARMLESS → TRUSTED → LEGIT). Cannot be used on alerted guards. Investigating guards ignore stalling. | — | Vault Passcard |
Untitled Inc. Goose Protocol | ||||
Goose | On File | Untitled Augment Routine Reinforcement Guards forget about Goose during low alarm levels - does not effect drones Cygnal Amplifier Goose produces a loud, demanding noise to distract guards (uses 1 AP) Halved Housing Goose can slip through otherwise un-traversable tiles (1 AP, LOS) -2 maxAP, 50% Inv, Can't Drag/Equip | — | — |
Goose | Archive | Untitled Augment Routine Reinforcement Guards forget about Goose during low alarm levels - does not effect drones Cygnal Amplifier Goose produces a loud, demanding noise to distract guards (uses 1 AP) Halved Housing Goose can slip through otherwise un-traversable tiles (1 AP, LOS) -2 maxAP, 50% Inv, Can't Drag/Equip Fancy Ribbon Lucky Charm Goose can find single-use items in corporate safes. These items have no value and do not get carried to the next mission. x2 Scurry Cost | — | — |
Coop | On File | Untitled Augment (Expanded) Routine Reinforcement Guards forget about Goose during low alarm levels - does not effect drones Cygnal Amplifier Goose produces a loud, demanding noise to spook guards (KO: Attack) Halved Housing Goose can slip through otherwise un-traversable tiles (1 AP, LOS) -2 MaxAP, 50% Inv, Can't Drag/Equip | — | — |
Coop | Archive | Untitled Augment Routine Reinforcement Guards forget about Goose during low alarm levels - does not effect drones Cygnal Amplifier Goose produces a loud, demanding noise to distract guards (uses 1 AP) Halved Housing Goose can slip through otherwise un-traversable tiles (1 AP, LOS) -2 maxAP, 50% Inv, Can't Drag/Equip Elegant Bow Matter Transporter Corporate safes can be used to access a secret, shared stash. Items left in the stash also get brought into storage on escape. x2 Scurry Cost | — | — |
Assassin | ||||
Assassin | On File | — | Hidden Blade Acts as a melee weapon, can be replaced with other melee weapons. Can be used in overwatch without requiring an attack. Eagle Vision Spawns an invisible camera drone with 6AP. The drone returns to the user at the end of turn. | — |
Dosan | ||||
Dosan | On File | Dosan's pride Dosan refuses to use Ranged weapons, but he adds +2 armor piercing to Melee weapons | Ancient Training Melee range | — |
PEIA Legends | ||||
Rush | On File | Kinetic Dynamo Gain +1 PWR every 10 tiles sprinted. While sprinting, can safely move one tile under overwatch (but not use doors). +2 sprint sound range. Can melee while seen. Cannot use ranged weapons. | Static Bomb Disables sound bug devices in target area for 5 turns, including through walls. Guards will want to investigate. Guard in detonation center is alerted and temporarily deafened for 2 turns. | Volt Disrupter I |
Draco | On File | Neural Mapper Start with +3 max AP. -2 AP per alarm level. Cannot drop below 5 AP. Scanning a dead body resets max AP and stops decrease. +0.5 max AP per alarm level for each additional corpse scanned. Scanned KO guards generate a random bonus. | Custom Smoke Grenade Throw to create a shroud of smoke that occludes vision in an area. Dissipates on enemy turn. | K&O Pistol |
New Agent: Blink | ||||
Blink | On File | Flicker Flickers in and out of reality between turns | — | Neural D.A.R.T. Med Gel |
Blink | Archive | Blink Blinks between two locations on alternating turns | — | Neural D.A.R.T. Med Gel |
Gunpoint | ||||
Conway | On File | Gatecrashers Kick a door and KO targets behind it up to three tiles away. Consumes an agent's attack. | Bullfrog Hypertrousers Jump to destination unseen, but still prompt guards to investigate. Consumes an agent's attack and 5 AP. | — |
Conway | Archive | Intimidation Calibrator Can move while overwatched. Other agents can move, open doors, and act. Regular overwatch resumes next turn or if losing sight. Consumes one Attack for each guard. Must equip gun. | Crosslink Remotely trigger guard guns or set traps on them. A gun can only have one active trap. Triggered traps are removed at the beginning or end of enemy turn. | Plasma Gun |
Daemonolog | ||||
Daem | Archive | Daemon cage Fill Daemon Cage by using it on KO guard or a daemon, which provides daemon specific effect on usage. Using captured daemon spawns two more and increases firewalls on 6 daemons. | — | Neural disrupter |
Advanced Cyberwarfare | ||||
Dragon | On File | Projected Presence Subvert Pathing into mainframe devices takes control of them. Mainframe guards are immune. Drones get alerted if moved. Burnout Protocol Dragon may revive agents by overloading their disrupters. | — | — |
Dragon | Archive | Partial Consciousness Mode While alarm level is below 1, this agent is downed, cloaked and exists as a program, which may be used even if Incognita is locked down. | — | Thermal Disrupter I Tag pistol |
Heat Signature | ||||
Fiasco | On File | — | Face Breaker Dashes to target. Damage and knockback increase with dash distance. Self-Charging Glitchtrap Select a target location to plant on ground. Enemies who enter the tile get teleported to target location. | — |
Fiasco | On File | — | Swapper Teleports the user to a target person, and the target to the user position. Triggers overwatch as if the previous person were still there. Flash Grenade Launcher Can attach to guards. Remote trigger. Temporarily stuns guards in an area. Rechargable Crashbeam Disables all Mainframe devices and drones in a line for 1 turn. | — |
Incong Mito | ||||
Incog Mito | On File | Optimized Core Allows this unit to power down for 5 turns to gain 5 power Improves the units speed by one and allows for infinite combat capabilities When hjacking consoles gain ap equal to power gained Removes the ability to overwatch or drag bodies | Modified SMG An SMG that has been converted into a non-lethal stunning device | — |