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agents:index [2020/06/10 01:07] – andrew | agents:index [2022/08/03 18:59] (current) – hekateras |
====== Agents ====== | ====== Agents ====== |
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**Agents** are characters controlled by the player. You begin the game with a [[:loadout|choice of two agents]]; you can also rescue agents from [[:missions:Detention Center]] missions, and additional agents join your team for the [[:missions:Research Facility]], [[:missions:OMNI Foundry Lab]] and [[:missions:OMNI Mainframe]] missions. | **Agents** are characters controlled by the player. You begin the game with a [[:loadout|choice of two agents]]; you can also rescue agents from [[:missions:Detention Center]] missions, and more agents can join your team for the [[:missions:Research Facility]], [[:missions:OMNI Foundry Lab]] and [[:missions:OMNI Mainframe]] missions. |
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With some exceptions, most agents begin with one [[:weapons:|weapon]] and possibly another [[:items:|item]], most agents begin with one [[:augments:|augment]] plus another empty augment socket, and most agents begin with some [[:skill]] at level 2 or higher. Some agents have unique weapons, items or augments which are only available when using that agent. | With some exceptions, most agents begin with one [[:weapon]] and possibly another [[:item]], most agents begin with one [[:augment]] plus another empty augment socket, and most agents begin with some [[:skill]] at level 2 or higher. Some agents have unique weapons, items or augments which are only available when using that agent. |
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~~CLEARFLOAT~~ | The agency can have up to four agents on the team at once, plus any agents who join for specific missions. |
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^ ^ Agent ^ Skill ^ Description ^ | ^ ^ Agent ^ Skill ^ Description ^ |
| {{:agents:portrait:banks.png?80}} | [[Banks]] | Anarchy\ 2 | Her [[:items:Paralyzer#Custom Paralyzer]] adds +3 [[:KO]] time to a knocked-out guard, and her [[:augments:Crypto Computer]] augment allows her to unlock [[:doors#Lvl1 Security Doors]] without a passcard. | | | {{:agents:portrait:banks.png?80}} | [[Banks]] | Anarchy 2 | Her [[:items:Custom Paralyzer]] adds +3 [[:KO]] time to a knocked-out guard, and her [[:augments:Crypto Computer]] augment allows her to unlock [[:doors#Lvl1 Security Doors]] without a passcard. | |
| ::: | [[Banks#Archive|Archive Banks]] | Anarchy\ 2 | Her [[:items:Econ Chip#Banks' Custom Econ Chip|Custom Econ Chip]] can be used at [[:Consoles]] to gain [[:credits]] instead of [[:PWR]]. | | | ::: | [[Archive Banks]] | Anarchy 2 | Her [[:items:Banks' Custom Econ Chip|Custom Econ Chip]] can be used at [[:Consoles]] to gain [[:credits]] instead of [[:PWR]]. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:central.png?80}} | [[Central]] | Anarchy\ 3 | Her [[:augments:Antiviral Proxy]] augment generates +5\ [[:PWR]] whenever a [[:daemons:|daemon]] is triggered. | | | {{:agents:portrait:central.png?80}} | [[Central]] | Anarchy 3 | Her [[:augments:Antiviral Proxy]] augment generates +5\ [[:PWR]] whenever a [[:daemon]] or [[:algorithm]] is triggered. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:decker.png?80}} | [[Decker]] | Speed\ 2 | His [[:items:Cloaking Rig#Modded Cloaking Rig]] renders him [[:cloaking|invisible]] until the start of the next turn, or until he attacks; and his [[:augments:Neural Networking]] augment allows him to identify [[:daemons:]] on [[:mainframe devices:]]. | | | {{:agents:portrait:decker.png?80}} | [[Decker]] | Speed 2 | His [[:items:Modded Cloaking Rig]] renders him [[:cloaking|invisible]] until the start of the next turn, or until he attacks; and his [[:augments:Neural Networking]] augment allows him to identify [[:daemons:]] on [[:mainframe devices:]]. | |
| ::: | [[Decker#Archive|Archive Decker]] | Speed\ 2 | His [[:weapons:Refurbished Revolver]] deals [[:lethal damage]], but cannot be reloaded; and his [[:augments:Sensory Injector]] augment gives him +2\ [[:AP]] when he is [[:vision|seen]] or [[:vision#peripheral vision|noticed]] by a guard. | | | ::: | [[Archive Decker]] | Speed 2 | His [[:weapons:Refurbished Revolver]] deals [[:lethal damage]], but cannot be reloaded; and his [[:augments:Sensory Injector]] augment gives him +2\ [[:AP]] when he is [[:vision|seen]] or [[:vision#peripheral vision|noticed]] by a guard. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:derek.png?80}} | [[Monst3r#Derek]]† | Hacking\ 2 | His [[:items:Transport Beacon]] and [[:augments:Particle Envelope]] augment allow him to teleport to wherever the beacon is thrown, for 4\ [[:PWR]]. | | | {{:agents:portrait:derek.png?80}} | [[Derek]] [icon:CP] | Hacking 2 | His [[:items:Transport Beacon]] and [[:augments:Particle Envelope]] augment allow him to teleport to wherever the beacon is thrown, for 4\ [[:PWR]]. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:dr_xu.png?80}} | [[Dr. Xu]] | --- | His [[:items:Shock Trap#Modded Shock Trap]] can be placed on [[:doors]] to knock out guards who walk through them; and his [[:augments:Subdermal Tools]] allow him to temporarily disable [[:mainframe devices:]], and permanently disable [[:heart monitors]] and some [[:guards:#drones]]. | | | {{:agents:portrait:dr_xu.png?80}} | [[Dr. Xu]] | --- | His [[:items:Modded Shock Trap]] can be placed on [[:doors]] to knock out guards who walk through them; and his [[:augments:Subdermal Tools]] allow him to disable [[:mainframe devices:]] and [[:heart monitors]]. | |
| ::: | [[Decker#Archive|Archive Dr. Xu]] | --- | His [[:items:EMP Pack#Tony's Modded EMP|Modded EMP Pack]] temporarily disables [[:mainframe devices:]], and permanently disables [[:heart monitors]] and some [[:guards:#drones]]; and his [[:augments:Thermal Generator]] augment generates +2\ [[:PWR]] each turn he uses an item with a cooldown of at least 3 turns. | | | ::: | [[Archive Dr. Xu]] | --- | His [[:items:Tony's Modded EMP|Modded EMP Pack]] disables [[:mainframe devices:]] and [[:heart monitors]]; and his [[:augments:Thermal Generator]] augment generates +2\ [[:PWR]] each turn he uses an item with a cooldown of at least 3 turns. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:draco.png?80}} | [[Draco]]† | Strength\ 2 | His [[:augments:Neural Pattern Grid]] gives him a random bonus when he neurally scans a [[:KO|knocked-out]] guard, or a random [[:skill]] upgrade when he neurally scans a dead guard's body. He cannot purchase skill upgrades in the normal way. | | | {{:agents:portrait:draco.png?80}} | [[Draco]] [icon:CP] | Strength 2 | His [[:augments:Neural Pattern Grid]] gives him a random bonus when he neurally scans a [[:KO|knocked-out]] guard, or a random [[:skill]] upgrade when he neurally scans a dead guard's body. He cannot purchase skill upgrades in the normal way. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:internationale.png?80}} | [[Internationale]] | Hacking\ 2 | Her [[:augments:Wireless Emitter]] augment automatically reveals [[:mainframe devices:]] and [[:Consoles]] in a range of 6 tiles, and allows her to hijack Consoles in the same radius. | | | {{:agents:portrait:internationale.png?80}} | [[Internationale]] | Hacking 2 | Her [[:augments:Wireless Emitter]] augment automatically reveals [[:mainframe devices:]] and [[:Consoles]] in a range of 6 tiles, and allows her to hijack Consoles in the same radius. | |
| ::: | [[Internationale#Archive|Archive Internationale]] | Hacking\ 2 | Her [[:augments:Network Siphon]] augment generates [[:PWR]] equal to 2 times the [[:alarm level]] each time the alarm level changes. | | | ::: | [[Archive Internationale]] | Hacking 2 | Her [[:augments:Network Siphon]] augment generates [[:PWR]] equal to 2 times the [[:alarm level]] each time the alarm level changes. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:monst3r.png?80}} | [[Monst3r]] | Hacking\ 3 | His [[:weapons:Overclocked Neural DART]] deals [[:KO]] damage at range, but triggers a random [[:daemons:|daemon]] when it is fired; and his [[:augments:Fabricator Multithreading]] augment gives him a 15% discount on purchases at [[:mainframe devices:Nanofabricators]]. | | | {{:agents:portrait:monst3r.png?80}} | [[Monst3r]] | Hacking 3 | His [[:weapons:Overclocked Neural DART]] deals [[:KO]] damage at range, but triggers a random [[:daemons:|daemon]] when it is fired; and his [[:augments:Fabricator Multithreading]] augment gives him a 15% discount on purchases at [[:mainframe devices:Nanofabricators]]. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:nika.png?80}} | [[Nika]] | --- | Her [[:augments:Adrenal Regulator]] gives her two [[:attacks]] per turn and +3\ [[:AP]] when she attacks; and her unique [[:weapons:Volt Disruptor#Nika's Volt Disruptor|Volt Disruptor]] uses [[:PWR]] instead of having a cooldown. | | | {{:agents:portrait:nika.png?80}} | [[Nika]] | --- | Her [[:augments:Adrenal Regulator]] gives her two [[:attacks]] per turn and +3\ [[:AP]] when she attacks; and her unique [[:weapons:Nika's Volt Disruptor|Volt Disruptor]] uses [[:PWR]] instead of having a cooldown. | |
| ::: | [[Nika#Archive|Archive Nika]] | --- | Her [[:augments:Discharge Rerouter]] reduces her items' cooldown timers by 1 turn every time she makes a [[:attacks#melee attacks|melee attack]]. | | | ::: | [[Archive Nika]] | --- | Her [[:augments:Discharge Rerouter]] reduces her items' cooldown timers by 1 turn every time she makes a [[:attacks#melee attacks|melee attack]]. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:olivia.png?80}} | [[Central#Olivia]]† | Anarchy\ 2 | | | | {{:agents:portrait:olivia.png?80}} | [[Olivia]] [icon:CP] | Anarchy 2 | Her [[:items:Cry Baby]] creates [[:noise]] distractions; and her [[:augments:Ambient Turbine]] augment generates [[:PWR]] when she makes melee [[:attacks]]. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:prism.png?80}} | [[Prism]] | Anarchy\ 2 | | | | {{:agents:portrait:prism.png?80}} | [[Prism]] | Anarchy 2 | Her [[:augments:Refraction Chamber]] augment generates +1\ [[:PWR]] when a device is hacked, up to twice per turn. | |
| ::: | [[Prism#Archive|Archive Prism]] | Anarchy\ 2 | | | | ::: | [[Archive Prism]] | Anarchy 2 | Her [[:items:Holo Projection Mesh]] allows her to disguise as a guard for 2\ [[:PWR]] per turn, and her [[:items:Buster Chip I]] manually breaks 2\ [[:firewalls]] on an adjacent device. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:rush.png?80}} | [[Rush]]† | Speed\ 2 | | | | {{:agents:portrait:rush.png?80}} | [[Rush]] [icon:CP] | Speed 2 | Her [[:augments:Kinetic Capacitor]] augment gives her +1\ [[:KO]] damage and +1\ [[:armor]] piercing while [[:sprinting]], and her [[:items:Stim I]] gives her +4\ [[:AP]] when used. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:shalem_11.png?80}} | [[Shalem 11]] | Strength\ 2 | | | | {{:agents:portrait:shalem_11.png?80}} | [[Shalem 11]] | Strength 2 | His [[:weapons:Desert Wind]] deals [[:lethal damage]] at range, and his [[:augments:Enhanced Optics]] augment gives him +1\ [[:armor]] piercing to ranged weapons. | |
| ::: | [[Shalem 11#Archive|Archive Shalem 11]] | Strength\ 2 | | | | ::: | [[Archive Shalem 11]] | Strength 2 | His [[:weapons:Hand Cannon]] deals [[:lethal damage]] at range, and his [[:items:Ventricular Lance]] gives him +1\ [[:armor]] piercing to all weapons for one turn. | |
| {{:agents:portrait:sharp.png?80}} | [[Sharp]] | Hacking\ 2 | His [[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame]] gives him 6 [[:augments:|augment]] sockets, and +1 [[:KO]] damage for every three augments he has installed. | | | {{:agents:portrait:sharp.png?80}} | [[Sharp]] | Hacking 2 | His [[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame]] gives him 6 [[:augments:|augment]] sockets, and +1 [[:KO]] damage for every three augments he has installed. | |
| ::: | [[Sharp#Archive|Archive Sharp]] | Hacking\ 2 | His [[[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame#Modular Cybernetic Frame X2]] gives him 6 [[:augments:|augment]] sockets, and +1 [[:armor]] piercing for every three augments he has installed.| | | ::: | [[Archive Sharp]] | Hacking 2 | His [[[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame X2]] gives him 6 [[:augments:|augment]] sockets, and +1 [[:armor]] piercing for every three augments he has installed.| |
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† Found in the [[:Contingency Plan]] DLC. | |
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{{tag>incomplete}} | ====== Allies ====== |
| These can temporarily join the team for the duration of the mission and are controlled by the player, but aren't formally agents. |
| ^ ^ Agent ^ Skill ^ Description ^ |
| | {{:agents:portraitanim:courier.png?80}} | [[Courier]] | — | 5 AP. Cannot sprint. If shot, dies and cannot be revived with [[:items:Med Gel]]. Otherwise default agent traits and abilities. | |
| | {{:agents:portraitanim:prisoner.png?80}} | [[Prisoner]] | — | 6 AP. Otherwise default agent traits and abilities. | |
| [icon:CP] Found in the [[:Contingency Plan]] DLC. |
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