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guards:omni_harbinger [2020/06/10 20:04] – created andrewguards:omni_harbinger [2021/04/12 13:15] (current) hekateras
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 ====== OMNI Harbinger ====== ====== OMNI Harbinger ======
 +[{{ :guards:portrait:omni_harbinger.png?168|OMNI Harbinger portrait}}]
-This article is a stub.+<WRAP infocard> 
 +^  [[Class]] | OMNI | 
 +^  Movement | 8 [[:AP]] | 
 +^  Weapon | [[:Lethal damage]] | 
 +^  [[:Armor]] | 1, or 0 in [[:modes:Beginner]] mode | 
 +^  [[:Vision]] | 8 tiles, 45° arc \\ 10 tiles, 90° arc peripheral | 
 +^  Other traits | [[#Consciousness Monitor]] \\ [[#Improved Heart Monitor]] \\ [[#Reconnaissance Protocol]] | 
 +^  Loot when [[:stealing]] | 80 [[:credits]] | 
 +^  Loot when [[:stealing#expert stealing]] | --- | 
 +===== Consciousness Monitor ===== 
 +When this guard is [[:KO|KOed]], the alarm tracker advances 2 steps. This cannot be disabled in any way. 
 +===== Improved Heart Monitor ===== 
 +When this guard is [[:lethal damage|killed]], the alarm tracker advances 4 steps. This cannot be disabled in any way. 
 +===== Reconnaissance Protocol ===== 
 +This guard has a much longer [[:guard_behaviour#patrolling|patrol]] route than usual; while regular guard patrols are 8 AP apart, the Harbinger's patrol points are 25 AP apart. It will usually take this guard multiple turns to complete it. This makes early exploration in OMNI more dangerous than usual, since room that has been free of guards one enemy turn may not be the next.
 {{tag>incomplete}} {{tag>incomplete}}
guards/omni_harbinger.1591819440.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/10 20:04 by andrew