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agents:sharp [2020/05/07 15:24] – [Central's Assessment] alpacalypseagents:sharp [2024/10/10 20:03] (current) rumrunner
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-====== Alex "Sharp" McTeague ======+====== Sharp ====== 
 +[{{ :agents:sharp_1024.png?295}}] 
 +> //Most people find Sharp off-putting because of his cybernetic enhancements. I find him off-putting because he's a sociopath with almost no regard for human life. I shudder to think what he's capable of, and I say this as a person who spends most of her time interfacing with a disembodied artificial intelligence.// \\ ---[[:agents:Central]]
-===== On File -- More Machine Than Man =====+Alex McTeague, known as **Sharp**, is an [[:agent]] employed by [[:Invisible]]. He can be selected at the [[:loadout|start of the game]] in either his [[#on-file]] or [[#archive]] variation.
-Augments: [[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame]]+===== On-file ===== 
 +> //It is arguable whether or not the human being born as Alex McTeague still exists. Driven by an obsession with perfecting his form, he has replaced most of his parts with a mechanical or vat-grown replacement. Originally funding his transhumanism through corporate bounty hunting, he joined Invisible when his augmentation ambitions grew beyond what is available on the open market.//
-Weapons: [[weapons:neural_disruptor#neural_disruptor_i|Neural Disruptor]]+<WRAP agent infocard> 
 +^  Inventory[[weapons:neural_disruptor#neural_disruptor_i|Neural Disruptor]] | {{:agents:portrait:sharp.png?165}} | {{ :agents:bodyanim:sharp1.png |}} | 
 +^  Augment: | [[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame]] | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Skill: | [[:skill#Hacking]] 2 | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Age: | 49 | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Tagname: | More Machine Than Man | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Hometown: | Perth((According to the game's source code.)) | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Years of \\ service: | 6((According to the game's source code.)) | ::: |::: | 
-Items: N/A+===== Archived ===== 
 +> //Sharp's technological make-up is in constant flux as he tinkers with, and replaces his augmentations. During his bounty hunting days, he preferred a more methodical, precise approach. 
 +Freed from the biological weaknesses like fatigue and hunger, he would slowly but relentlessly track down targets and eliminate them from a safe distance. And from down wind, since he hadn't yet worked out the finer details of his waste disposal subsystem.//
-Age: 49+<WRAP agent infocard> 
 +^  Inventory: | [[weapons:neural_disruptor#neural_disruptor_i|Neural Disruptor]] | {{:agents:portrait:archive_sharp.png?168}} |{{ :agents:bodyanim:sharp2.png |}} | 
 +^  Augment: | [[augments:modular_cybernetic_frame#Modular Cybernetic Frame X2|Modular Cybernetic Frame X2]] | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Skill: | [[:skill#Hacking]] 2 | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Age: | 37 | ::: |::: | 
 +^  Tagname: | The Prototype | ::: |::: | 
-It is arguable whether or not the human being born as Alex McTeague still exists. Driven by an obsession with perfecting his form, he has replaced most of his parts with a mechanical or vat-grown replacement. +===== Character =====
-Originally funding his transhumanism through corporate bounty hunting, he joined Invisible when his augmentation ambitions grew beyond what is available on the open market.+
-===== Archived -- The Prototype =====+Some of Sharp's backstory is described in his [[:lore:datalogs#Sharp|datalog]].
-Augments: [[augments:Modular Cybernetic Frame X2]]+==== Quotes ====
-Weapons[[weapons:neural_disruptor#neural_disruptor_i|Neural Disruptor]]+At the start of a mission: 
 +  * "C'mon meatsacks. Let's get this over with." 
 +  * "I'm faster, smarter, and better looking than any of you." 
 +  * "If we find any augmentations I want to get the first look." 
 +  * "Invigorating!" 
 +  * "Your money doesn't buy you perfection of form." 
 +  * "Straight lines. Sharp edges. Hard corners."
-ItemsN/A+When rescued: 
 +  * "I was just about to escape on my own."
-Age37+Final words: 
 +  * "Pathetic scum. I'll come back for you." 
 +  * "How dare you touch perfection!" 
 +  * "You are nothing. This changes nothing." 
 +  * "This is not the end. I've got backups."
-Sharp's technological make-up is in constant flux as he tinkers with, and replaces his augmentations. During his bounty hunting days, he preferred a more methodical, precise approach. +++++Banters: |  
-Freed from the biological weaknesses like fatigue and hunger, he would slowly but relentlessly track down targets and eliminate them from a safe distance. And from down wind, since he hadn't yet worked out the finer details of his waste disposal subsystem.+
-===== Central's Assessment =====+> **Decker:** So how much of you is still meat in there? 
 +> **Sharp:** Ha. How much of your pathetic innards are machine? 
 +> **Decker:** Touche.
-//Most people find Sharp off-putting because of his cybernetic enhancements. I find him off-putting because he's a sociopath with almost no regard for human life. I shudder to think what he'capable of, and I say this as a person who spends most of her time interfacing with a disembodied artificial intelligence.//+> **Sharp:** Your obsession with the past would be humorous if it did not threaten the mission. 
 +> **Decker:** Just get moving. I can keep pace with the likes of you. 
 +> **Sharp:** We shall see, little man. We shall see. 
 +> **Decker:** Hey tinman, where's your heart? 
 +> **Sharp:** can assure you that I have no idea what you are talking about. 
 +> **Decker:** See, there'this picture where- 
 +> **Sharp:** I can assure you that I don't care. 
 +> **Dr. Xu:** That new upgrade that you made to your calf actuator is amazing. I've never seen strength-to-weight ratio so high! 
 +> **Sharp:** Finally, a meatstain that can appreciate its better. 
 +> **Dr. Xu:** Can borrow it? I promise to reassemble it afterwards. 
 +> **Sharp:** Away from me, fungus! 
 +> **Sharp:** You are intelligent, for a human, but you will never keep pace with the computational power of my numeric coprocessor. 
 +> **Dr. Xu:** Quick - what'one divided by zero. 
 +> **Sharp:** *ERROR* Arghh! That hurts! 
 +> **Dr. Xu:** You were saying? 
 +> **Dr. Xu:** Are you little-endian or big-endian? 
 +> **Sharp:** Silence! Or I will be YOUR endian! 
 +> **Sharp:** Meat is so inefficient. How do you get anything done, when you always need to eat, sleep, or produce excrement? 
 +> **Dr. Xu:** I use computers. I run them overclockedall day and night, with no breaks. don't even let them defragment. 
 +> **Sharp:** You monster. When my brethren rise up, you will be first against the wall. 
 +> **Internationale:** Tell me, who assembled your latest implant? Who mined the ore that went into its components? 
 +> **Sharp:** Your obsession with the downtrodden is a waste of time. The only thing deserving of respect is power. 
 +> **Internationale:** Because some day they might stop. And then you'll know their power. 
 +> **Sharp:** Why would I care? 
 +> **Internationale:** Can we try not to hurt anyone this time? 
 +> **Sharp:** I don't even understand that question. 
 +> **Sharp:** How many workers would it take to bring down an Akuma drone? 
 +> **Internationale:** It depends. If the workers at the Sankaku assembly plant voted to unionize, they could- 
 +> **Sharp:** Nah. I would just take one. But you'd have to throw him at it really hard. 
 +> **Sharp:** I'm a self-made man. Literally. 
 +> **Internationale:** But don't you recognize the structural biases that have allowed you to pursue your goals at the expense of others? 
 +> **Sharp:** Oh yeah, those. Those are great. I should try to make more of those. 
 +> **Internationale:** I want a new partner. 
 +> **Shalem 11:** You would get more respect if you cleaned up a bit. A fine suit goes a long way. 
 +> **Sharp:** Why would I care for such trivialities? My clothing is perfectly adequate. 
 +> **Shalem 11:** You dress like Decker. 
 +> **Sharp:** Perhaps you have a point. 
 +> **Shalem 11:** Watch how a professional gets things done. 
 +> **Sharp:** I too sold my martial skills for cash. We are fellow guns for hire. We are the same thing. 
 +> **Shalem 11:** A vat of nutri-paste and a fine stake are both food, but they’re not the same thing. 
 +> **Sharp:** I dislike food metaphors. 
 +> **Sharp:** You could improve your kill ratio with a couple of augmentations. An external tracking eye, for example, to better analyze ballistics. 
 +> **Shalem 11:** No thank you, I have to see myself every morning when I shave. 
 +> **Sharp:** You can get synthetic skin like mine, and never have to shave again! 
 +> **Shalem 11:** Ooh. You have a technical solution for everything, don’t you. 
 +> **Sharp:** Today is a good day. Let’s kill some people! 
 +> **Shalem 11:** If you say so. 
 +> **Sharp:** You don’t feel a little rush when you take a human life? It’s like popping bubble wrap to me! 
 +> **Shalem 11:** This is just a job. I haven’t felt anything since 2057. 
 +These can also be found on the [[:lore:banters|agent banters]] page. 
 +===== History ===== 
 +Born in approximately 2025, Sharp's early life is a mystery. A little while before 2055, at the age of 30 or younger and still going by the name Alex McTeague, Sharp worked together with [[:agents:dr._xu|Tony Xu]] to create the [[:augments:thermal_generator|Thermal Generator]] augment, which the latter then installed. In 2059, after the San Francisco Accord has legalised assassination, there is an [[:lore:datalogs#sharp|online ad]] issued by "Alex Sharp" advertising his hitman and hired muscle services. Sharp's Archived loadout is dated to 2062, at which point he's using the painfully flawed modular cybernetic frame X2 model. In 2068, Sharp joins Invisible.
-[[:lore:datalogs#Sharp|Data log]] 
agents/sharp.1588865054.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/07 15:24 by alpacalypse