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Alex "Sharp" McTeague

On File -- More Machine Than Man

Augments: Modular Cybernetic Frame

Weapons: Neural Disruptor

Items: N/A

Skills: Hacking 2

Age: 49

It is arguable whether or not the human being born as Alex McTeague still exists. Driven by an obsession with perfecting his form, he has replaced most of his parts with a mechanical or vat-grown replacement. Originally funding his transhumanism through corporate bounty hunting, he joined Invisible when his augmentation ambitions grew beyond what is available on the open market.

Archived -- The Prototype

Augments: Modular Cybernetic Frame X2

Weapons: Neural Disruptor

Items: N/A

Skills: Hacking 2

Age: 37

Sharp's technological make-up is in constant flux as he tinkers with, and replaces his augmentations. During his bounty hunting days, he preferred a more methodical, precise approach. Freed from the biological weaknesses like fatigue and hunger, he would slowly but relentlessly track down targets and eliminate them from a safe distance. And from down wind, since he hadn't yet worked out the finer details of his waste disposal subsystem.

Central's Assessment

Most people find Sharp off-putting because of his cybernetic enhancements. I find him off-putting because he's a sociopath with almost no regard for human life. I shudder to think what he's capable of, and I say this as a person who spends most of her time interfacing with a disembodied artificial intelligence.


Mission start quotes

  • “C'mon meatsacks. Let's get this over with.”
  • “I'm faster, smarter, and better looking than any of you.”
  • “If we find any augmentations I want to get the first look.”
  • “Invigorating!”
  • “Your money doesn't buy you perfection of form.”
  • “Straight lines. Sharp edges. Hard corners.”

Final words

  • “Pathetic scum. I'll come back for you.”
  • “How dare you touch perfection!”
  • “You are nothing. This changes nothing.”
  • “This is not the end. I've got backups.”


agents/sharp.1590165117.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 16:31 by hekateras