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Castle is a daemon which, when triggered, raises the firewalls on a random unhacked mainframe device by 3. The device may be one which is rebooting, or an inactive Security Camera.
Castle is found in the Contingency Plan DLC.
Castle 2.0 is an archdaemon which can occur from mission difficulty 5 and onwards in Endless modes. It raises the firewalls on 10 random devices by 3 each, at the start of the mission.
Castle 2.0 is found in the Contingency Plan DLC.
Castle is somewhat weaker than Rubiks since it only affects one device. Like Rubiks, it can be mitigated by hacking other devices first; on the other hand, triggering Castle early in a mission is often fine because of the chance it hits a device you don't need to hack. Even if Castle does hit a device you need to hack, you should be fine as long as you have an efficient way break high firewalls such as Hammer, Parasite 2.0 or high-tier Buster Chips.