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On File -- Ex Corporate Security

Augments: Neural Networking

Weapons: Neural Disruptor

Items: Modded Cloaking Rig

Skills: Speed 2

Age: 38

Decker affects a persona from a bygone era as an act of protest against a world gone mad for technology. Quick on his feet and with his fists, rumour has it that he's packing more augmentations than he's willing to admit. He was chief of security for K&O's California branch until an escalating love affair with the bottle chased him out of the Corporate world.

Archived -- The Collector

Augments: Sensory Injector

Weapons: Neural Disruptor, Refurbished Revolver

Items: N/A

Skills: Speed 2

Age: 30

Before being shunned out of the executive ranks of the Corporate world, Decker used his significant salary to track down and acquire antiques from decades past. To believe the rumours, his nostalgia was so strong that he even made some ludicrously expensive modifications to keep some antiques usable in the modern age.

Central's Assessment

I found Decker living in a bottle after his termination. He's cleaned up since then but I keep eyes on him, just to be sure. The 20th century thing is an unfortunate affectation, but I'm not paying him for his fashion sense.


Mission start quotes

  • “No resistance at the entry point. Amateurs.”
  • “Let's get this over with. I need a drink.”
  • “All of these places start to look the same after a while.”
  • “I'm getting too old for this crap.”
  • “I wonder who does their security.\n\nThey aren't doing a very good job so far.”
  • “We're in the building. This shouldn't take too long.”
  • “We wouldn't have got in so easy if I were running this joint.”

Final words

  • “I'm tired of this crap, anyway.”
  • “Well played. You got me dead to rights.”
  • “Well, damn it.”
  • “Can I have one last swig, first?”


agents/decker.1590164163.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/22 16:16 by hekateras