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Backseat Gaming Protocols

To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Invisible, Inc.'s release, some of the top players and streamers from the Invisible, Inc. community will be playing together. The event will be streamed on Twitch on Tuesday 12th May 2020, in two sessions starting at 11 AM UTC and 7 PM UTC.

Here's the plan: Andrew Kay, chistosoloco, Hekateras, panth3reon, SuperStorm_8 and wodzu_93 will be getting together for a joint livestream, where each of us controls just one agent. We're going to try to beat the game on Expert Plus difficulty.

If you can join us, it would be cool to have you there while we do it! If not, don't worry — you'll be able to watch it later on YouTube.


  • Players take it in turns to move their agent, in order.
  • A player cannot perform additional actions after taking their turn, even if they have remaining AP.
  • Players should not negotiate strategy, though they may express their wish that another player act in a particular way on their turn.
  • The current player also decides how to use Incognita or hacked drones for the duration of their turn.
  • Decisions about skill upgrades and other purchases outside of missions are determined by turn-based rock paper scissors.
community/backseat_gaming_protocols.1589237738.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/05/11 22:55 by andrew