Obake Drones

Obake Drone v1.0 portrait
The preponderance of plasma ammunition available to the lowest level of corporate security forces only highlights the growing class divide.

Obake Drone v1.0 is the most basic type of weaponized drone. They appear in Sankaku facilities below a certain mission difficulty, depending on the game difficulty setting. Compared to Security Guards, Obake Drones have shorter movement ranges and cannot hear noise, but they also have Local Scanners and wider vision arcs.

Obake Drones are mainframe devices with firewalls which can be hacked to give the player temporary control over the drone's movement and actions. A hacked Obake Drone can also be used to shoot another guard or a Security Camera.

Class Common
Movement 6 AP
Base firewalls 1
Weapon Lethal damage
Vision 8 tiles, 90° arc
Other traits Immune to KO damage
No hearing
Local scanner
Controllable (1 turn)
Loot when stealing 2 PWR
Loot when expert stealing

Obake Drone v2.0

Obake Drone v2.0 portrait

Obake Drone v2.0 is an upgraded type of Obake Drone which can appear in Sankaku facilities at mission difficulty 2 and higher. It has higher firewalls than an Obake Drone v1.0, and armor.

Class Elite
Movement 6 AP
Base firewalls 2
Weapon Lethal damage
Armor 1
Vision 8 tiles, 90° arc
Other traits Immune to KO damage
No hearing
Local scanner
Controllable (1 turn)
Loot when stealing 2 PWR
Loot when expert stealing