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Executive terminals have elevated security credentials. Compromise one, and we will be able to pinpoint other facilities of interest.
Executive Terminals are a type of mission which can occur in both Campaign modes and Endless modes. The primary objective of an Executive Terminals mission is to find and access the Executive Access Terminal and retrieve the Site List, which adds new mission options to the world map.
Except when playing with custom game settings, the first mission in the game is always an Executive Terminals mission. After this first mission, later Executive Terminals missions also give a choice of a specific infiltration target, allowing the player to choose one of four mission options to add to the world map.
The executive terminal is the large device with the simplified controls — there!
The Executive Access Terminal is a mainframe device that appears in the Executive Terminals mission objective room. When hacked, it can be looted for a Site List. In addition, if this is not the first mission of the campaign, you will be given a list of 4 missions of a specific corporation and mission type to choose from when first accessing the Executive Access Terminal; if the Site List is brought out of the mission, a mission of the corporation and type selected will always appear on the world map.
Counterintuitively, the Executive Access Terminal can also be accessed when it is rebooting.
Once the Site List is looted, the corporation's Security Response is triggered.
Bring this back to Central to reveal new targets for infiltration.
You've got it, great. When you activated that terminal, it sent out an automated message to change up the guard duty. Be prepared for new patrol patterns.