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Spec Ops

Spec Ops portrait

Spec Ops are armed guards who appear in K&O facilities at mission difficulty 2 and higher. Unlike other human guards, a Spec Ops has a 180° vision arc, and no peripheral vision.

Class Elite
Movement 8 AP
Weapon Lethal damage
Vision 8 tiles, 180° arc
Other traits Heart Monitor
Movement has 6 tile noise radius
Loot when stealing 80 credits
Cloaking Rig III (10%)
Stim II (6%)
Charge Pack (5%)
Stim III (5%)
Loot when expert stealing Charge Pack (12.5%)
Med Gel (7.5%)
Neural Disruptor (2.5%)
Stim I (2.5%)

Elite Spec Ops

Elite Spec Ops portrait

Elite Spec Ops are an upgraded type of Spec Ops guard. They are the same as Spec Ops, except they have 360° peripheral vision, and armor.

Elite Spec Ops are found in the Contingency Plan DLC.

Class Lvl 2 Elite
Movement 8 AP
Weapon Lethal damage
Armor 1
Vision 8 tiles, 180° arc
10 tiles, 360° arc peripheral
Other traits Heart Monitor
Movement has 6 tile noise radius
Loot when stealing 80 credits
Cloaking Rig III (10%)
Stim II (6%)
Charge Pack (5%)
Stim III (5%)
Loot when expert stealing Charge Pack (12.5%)
Med Gel (7.5%)
Neural Disruptor (2.5%)
Stim I (2.5%)
guards/spec_ops.txt · Last modified: 2020/07/26 09:52 by andrew