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Agents are characters controlled by the player. You begin the game with a choice of two agents; you can also rescue agents from Detention Center missions, and additional agents join your team for the Research Facility, OMNI Foundry Lab and OMNI Mainframe missions.

With some exceptions, most agents begin with one weapon and possibly another item, most agents begin with one augment plus another empty augment socket, and most agents begin with some skill at level 2 or higher. Some agents have unique weapons, items or augments which are only available when using that agent.


Agent Skill Description
Banks Anarchy 2 Her Custom Paralyzer adds +3 KO time to a knocked-out guard, and her Crypto Computer augment allows her to unlock Lvl1 Security Doors without a passcard.
Archive Banks Anarchy 2 Her Custom Econ Chip can be used at Consoles to gain credits instead of PWR.
Central Anarchy 3 Her Antiviral Proxy augment generates +5 PWR whenever a daemon is triggered.
Decker Speed 2 His Modded Cloaking Rig renders him invisible until the start of the next turn, or until he attacks; and his Neural Networking augment allows him to identify daemons on mainframe devices.
Archive Decker Speed 2 His Refurbished Revolver deals lethal damage, but cannot be reloaded; and his Sensory Injector augment gives him +2 AP when he is seen or noticed by a guard.
Derek Hacking 2 His Transport Beacon and Particle Envelope augment allow him to teleport to wherever the beacon is thrown, for 4 PWR.
Dr. Xu His Modded Shock Trap can be placed on doors to knock out guards who walk through them; and his Subdermal Tools allow him to temporarily disable mainframe devices, and permanently disable heart monitors and some drones.
Archive Dr. Xu His Modded EMP Pack temporarily disables mainframe devices, and permanently disables heart monitors and some drones; and his Thermal Generator augment generates +2 PWR each turn he uses an item with a cooldown of at least 3 turns.
Draco Strength 2 His Neural Pattern Grid gives him a random bonus when he neurally scans a knocked-out guard, or a random skill upgrade when he neurally scans a dead guard's body. He cannot purchase skill upgrades in the normal way.
Internationale Hacking 2 Her Wireless Emitter augment automatically reveals mainframe devices and Consoles in a range of 6 tiles, and allows her to hijack Consoles in the same radius.
Archive Internationale Hacking 2 Her Network Siphon augment generates PWR equal to 2 times the alarm level each time the alarm level changes.
Monst3r Hacking 3 His Overclocked Neural DART deals KO damage at range, but triggers a random daemon when it is fired; and his Fabricator Multithreading augment gives him a 15% discount on purchases at Nanofabricators.
Nika Her Adrenal Regulator gives her two attacks per turn and +3 AP when she attacks; and her unique Volt Disruptor uses PWR instead of having a cooldown.
Archive Nika Her Discharge Rerouter reduces her items' cooldown timers by 1 turn every time she makes a melee attack.
Olivia Anarchy 2
Prism Anarchy 2
Archive Prism Anarchy 2
Rush Speed 2
Shalem 11 Strength 2
Archive Shalem 11 Strength 2
Sharp Hacking 2 His Modular Cybernetic Frame gives him 6 augment sockets, and +1 KO damage for every three augments he has installed.
Archive Sharp Hacking 2 His Modular Cybernetic Frame X2 gives him 6 augment sockets, and +1 armor piercing for every three augments he has installed.

† Found in the Contingency Plan DLC.

agents/index.1591751269.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/06/10 01:07 by andrew