Table of Contents


New augment marked with
DLC augment marked with
Old effect, additional effect

Icon Name Value
Charged Actuators 1100 Use at a Console to charge this augment, up to 3 charges. Each charge adds 1 KO damage to melee attacks. Resets on melee attack. Reboots Console for (8 - STRENGTH skill) turns.
Charged Crypto Hasher 1100 Use at a Console to increase credits in all closed safes by (10 * ANARCHY skill) CR. Permanently shuts down Console used.
Charged Servo 1100 Use at a Console to gain 6 AP. Reboots Console for (8 - SPEED skill) turns.
Charged Telemeter 1100 Use at a Console to hack object with highest firewall and break 5 firewalls. Reboots Console for (8 - HACKING skill) turns.
Cryptology Brain Chip 400
Sets the agent's Hacking skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
+2 PWR per Console hijack.
Crypto Miner 600 Gain 2 Hash Keys each alarm level.

NOTE: Only available when playing with Programs Extended's Counterintelligence AI feature.
D.A.R.T. Bio Reactor 800 +2 KO damage to ranged KO weapons.
D.A.R.T. Translocator 300 User can teleport to any target KO'd by a ranged weapon for 3 PWR. 4 turn cooldown.
Dermal Armor 450 Blocks gunfire by adding 2 layers of armor. Effectiveness depends on opponent's weapon. Damaged armor will be repaired between missions.
Distributed Processing 650
Gain +1 PWR with a 50% chance at the start of each turn.
Gain 1 PWR every 2 turns.
Footfall Dampener 300 Reduces noise radius made while sprinting by 3.
Hostage Monitor 300 Guards won't shoot while user is holding a KO'd guard. User must be facing directly opposite to a guard. Does not work on Enforcers.
Gel Injectors 600
The agent's base AP is increased by 3 (MAX ALARM LEVEL / 2), but reduces by 1 0.5 per alarm level. AP decrease capped at max alarm level.
Kinesiology Brain Chip 400
Sets the agent's Speed skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
+3 AP when sprinting.
Legerdemain Brain Chip 400
Sets the agent's Anarchy skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
Grants user an extra attack.
Manual Override 800 Break 2 firewalls on adjacent device. Uses attack.
Net Downlink 650
Gives +2 +1 AP whenever a device is hacked, up to a maximum of +6 AP per turn.
Pheromone Filter 550 Gives +2 +3 AP whenever a guard wakes up.
Physiology Brain Chip 400
Sets the agent's Strength skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
Allows for breaking doors, KO unarmored guards on opposite side for 1 turn. Can be used in place of melee weapon, with exception of melee Ambush (4 turn KO, 3 turn cooldown, no armor piercing).
Reactive Myomer 500
The agent's base AP is reduced by 2, but increases by 1 0.5 per alarm level. AP increase capped at max alarm level.
Scanner Mesh 1600 Passively reveals area around the agent in 5 tile radius.
Shielding Rig 650 Grants ability to generate a layer of shielding for 8 PWR. Absorbs 1 shot per shield layer. Max 2 layers.
Skeletal Suspension 300 Improves the speed of dragging. +3 AP when picking up a body ( 2 turn cooldown ).
Subdermal Cloak 400 Renders the agent invisible for one turn at a cost of 5 3 PWR, whenever they use a stim item.
Subdermal Cloak Projector 750 Renders the user invisible for 5 PWR, unless they attack. Cannot cloak while sighted. Drains 4 PWR each consecutive turn of being active. 3 turn cooldown.
Subdermal D.A.R.T. Pocket 1100 Reloads 1 ammo of any ranged KO weapon. Used automatically when that weapon is fired. Augment refils itself between missions.
Subdermal Power Bank 1200 Allows to convert PWR to item charges. Toggle ON, the use item's RECHARGE ability to restore all charges for 8 PWR.
Wireless Mainframe Interferer 800 At the start of the turn, breaks 1 firewall on all mainframe_devices in 3 tile radius.


New item marked with
DLC item marked with
New item with Programs Extended mod installed
Old effect, additional effect

Icon Name Value
Accelerator Chip I
Accelerator Chip
Anarchy 2 2 turn cooldown Generates +1 +2 PWR when hijacking a Console. Alternatively, reboot that Console for 2 turns and restore 1 PWR in it, so it can be hijacked again.
Accelerator Chip II
Boosted Acc. Chip
Anarchy 3
Anarchy 2
2 turn cooldown
4 charges
Generates +2 +4 PWR when hijacking a Console. Alternatively, reboot that Console for 4 turns and restore 4 PWR in it, so it can be hijacked again.
Accelerator Chip III
Brute Accelerator Chip
Anarchy 4
Anarchy 2
2 turn cooldown
8 turn cooldown
Generates +4 +12 PWR when hijacking a Console. Alternatively, reboot that Console for 6 turns and restore 10 PWR in it, so it can be hijacked again.
Console Access Chip 40 Single use Generates +4 PWR when hijacking a Console. Alternatively, reboot that Console for 1 turn and restore 3 PWR in it, so it can be hijacked again.
Breaching Charges 1500 Anarchy 3 2 charges At the end of the turn, destroys adjacent walls and doors, kills all agents or guards within 2 tile range. Creates noise in a 16 tile radius.
Buster Chip I
Buster Chip
Anarchy 2 5 turn cooldown
3 turn cooldown
Manually breaks 2 firewalls on an adjacent device.
Buster Chip II
Precise Buster Chip
Anarchy 3
Anarchy 2
4 turn cooldown
12 charges
Manually breaks 3 1 firewall on an adjacent device.
Buster Chip III
Brute Buster Chip
Anarchy 4
Anarchy 2
3 turn cooldown
7 turn cooldown
Manually breaks 4 8 firewalls on an adjacent device.
Buster Chip IV
AMP Buster Chip
Anarchy 4
Anarchy 2
3 turn cooldown
1 charge

2 turn cooldown
4 charges
Manually breaks 8 4 firewalls on an adjacent device and generates 1 PWR.
Damaged Buster Chip 40 Single use Manually breaks 5 firewalls on an adjacent device.
Camera Canister 300
1 turn cooldown
2 charges
When thrown, gives 360° vision from its location. Can be recovered.
Small Charge Pack 200 Single use Refills 1 ammo/charge or reduces item cooldown by 2.
Hyper Charge Pack 1200 3 uses Refills all ammo/charges of an item and adds 1 additional ammo/charge above the normal limit, or completely removes cooldown from an item.
Charge Generator 1600 1 use per mission Refills all ammo/charges of the item, or completely removes cooldown from an item.
Cloaking Rig I
Flicker Cloak
Speed 2 10 turn cooldown
9 turn cooldown
Renders the agent invisible for 4 6 AP of movement, or until they attack. Cannot be used while seen.
Cloaking Rig II
Cloaking Rig
Speed 3
Speed 2
8 turn cooldown
14 turn cooldown
Renders the agent invisible for one turn, or until they attack.
Cloaking Rig III
Chameleon Cloak
Speed 4
Speed 2
8 turn cooldown
18 turn cooldown
Renders the agent invisible for 2 3 turns, or 8 AP of movement, or until they attack.
Cry Baby 300 1 turn cooldown
3 charges
When thrown and activated, makes a noise distraction with an 8 tile radius. Can be recovered.
Drone Maintenance Toolkit 800 Hacking 3 4 turn cooldown
2 charges
Use while standing next to a drone. Options: reduce its max AP by 3 to minimum of 4 OR reduce its max firewalls by 4 to minimum of 1 OR disable its local/pulse scanner.
EMP Pack I
EMP Pack
Hacking 2 8 turn cooldown
4 turn cooldown
Makes an EMP blast at the end of the turn which reboots devices for 2 turns and disables heart monitors in a 3 4 tile radius. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Overcharged EMP Pack
Hacking 3
Hacking 2
8 turn cooldown
12 turn cooldown
Makes an EMP blast at the end of the turn which reboots devices for 2 6 turns and disables heart monitors in a 5 2 tile radius. Creates noise in a 3 tile radius.
Precision EMP Pack
Hacking 4
Hacking 2
8 turn cooldown
6 charges
Makes an EMP blast at the end of the turn which reboots devices for 2 3 turns and disables heart monitors in a 7 1 tile radius. Creates noise in a 2 tile radius.
Interference EMP Pack
Hacking 4
Hacking 2
4 turn cooldown
1 charge

8 turn cooldown
Makes an EMP blast at the end of the turn which reboots devices for 3 1 turn and disables heart monitors in a 8 12 tile radius. Creates noise in a 6 tile radius.
Jury-rigged EMP Pack 40 Single use Makes an EMP blast at the end of the turn which reboots devices for 4 turns and disables heart monitors in a 4 tile radius. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Hashing Chip 500 Hacking 2 4 turn cooldown Increases amount of Hash Keys gained from 'A.I. ACCESS' action by 1.

NOTE: Only available when playing with Programs Extended's Counterintelligence AI feature.
Fast Hashing Chip 550 Hacking 2 6 charges Increases amount of Hash Keys gained from 'A.I. ACCESS (SUSTAINED)' action by 1.

NOTE: Only available when playing with Programs Extended's Counterintelligence AI feature.
Heavy Hashing Chip 600 Hacking 3 6 turn cooldown Increases amount of Hash Keys gained from 'A.I. ACCESS (INVASIVE)' action by 4.

NOTE: Only available when playing with Programs Extended's Counterintelligence AI feature.
Kill Trap 1000 Anarchy 3 2 charges Place on a door. Triggers when opened. Lethal. 3 armor piercing. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Piercing Kill Trap 1100 Anarchy 3 4 ammo
cannot be reloaded
Place on a door. Triggers when opened. Lethal. Ignores armor. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Ionized Kill Trap 1200 Anarchy 3 1 charge Place on a door. Triggers when opened. Lethal within 4 tile radius. 1 armor piercing. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Kill Trap Fabricator Kit 1100 Anarchy 3 12 turn cooldown Place on a door. Triggers when opened. Lethal. 2 armor piercing. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Lock Decoder 400
Anarchy 3 3 turn cooldown
1 charge
Unlocks LVL.1 Security Doors Vault Doors in 3 10 turns.
Neural Data Extractor 400 Hacking 2 3 turn cooldown Extract random amount of credits (from 300 to 500) from a guard KO'd by a ranged weapon. Can be used once per guard.
Paralyzer I
Anarchy 2 6 turn cooldown
5 turn cooldown
Adds +2 KO time to a knocked out guard.
Paralyzer II
Concentrated Paralyzer
Anarchy 3
Anarchy 2
6 turn cooldown
11 turn cooldown
Adds +3 +6 KO time to a knocked out guard.
Paralyzer III
Cataratic Paralyzer
Anarchy 4
Anarchy 2
6 turn cooldown
8 turn cooldown
Adds +4 +2 KO time and reduces vision range by 2 (min 5) to a knocked out guard.
Paralyzer IV
Ototoxic Paralyzer
Anarchy 4
Anarchy 2
4 turn cooldown
1 charge

8 turn cooldown
Adds +8 +2 KO time and removes ability to hear sounds in a knocked out guard.
Neurological Paralyzer 600 Anarchy 2 8 turn cooldown Adds +2 KO time to a knocked out guard or blocks guard's senses for 1 turn.
D.A.R.T. Paralyzer  650 Anarchy 2 8 turn cooldown Adds +2 KO time to a knocked out guard, or +6 if target was KO'd by a ranged weapon.
Weak Paralyzer 40 Single use Adds +4 KO time to a knocked out guard.
Portable Server I
Portable Siphon Server
Hacking 2 2 turn cooldown Generates 2x Alarm Level PWR when alarm level changes while deployed.
Portable Server II
Portable Server
Hacking 3
Hacking 2
2 turn cooldown
3 turn cooldown
Generates +1 PWR every turn while deployed.
Portable Server III
Portable Spike Server
Hacking 4
Hacking 2
2 turn cooldown
5 turn cooldown
3 turn starting cooldown
Generates +7 PWR every 4 turns while deployed.
Portable Cryptography Server 2500 Hacking 4 3 turn cooldown Reduces alarm tracker by 1 every 6 turns when deployed.
Remote Door Controller 400 3 turn cooldown Can be used to remotely open or close a door within 7 tile range. Cannot manipulate locked doors.
Scan Chip 100 Speed 2 2 turn cooldown Reveals the daemon on an adjacent device. Can identify enemy A.I. subroutines.
Scan Pack 150 2 turn cooldown
5 charges
Reveals all map tiles within radius of 7. Creates noise in a 2 tile radius.
Shock Trap I
Shock Trap
Anarchy 2
Anarchy 3
7 turn cooldown
8 turn cooldown
Place on a door. Triggers when opened. KO the target for 3 4 turns. Ignores armor 4 armor piercing. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Shock Trap II
Concussive Shock Trap
Anarchy 3 6turn cooldown
10 turn cooldown
Place on a door. Triggers when opened. KO the target for 4 3 turns. Ignores armor. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Shock Trap III
Overloaded Shock Trap
Anarchy 4
Anarchy 3
5 turn cooldown

14 turn cooldown
Place on a door. Triggers when opened. KO the targets within 5 tile radius for 5 8 turns. Ignores armor 2 armor piercing. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Shock Trap Kit 750 Anarchy 3 4 charges Place on a door. Triggers when opened. KO all targets within 2 tile radius for 3 turns. 1 armor piercing. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Homemade Shock Trap 40 Single use Place on a door. Triggers when opened. KO the target for 3 turns. Creates noise in a 4 tile radius.
Smoke Grenade 300 Single use
1 ammo
When thrown, creates a cloud of smoke in a 3 tile radius which acts as tall cover.
Stim I
Burst Stim
Speed 2
9 turn cooldown
4 turn cooldown
Gives an agent +4 AP.
Stim II
Speed 3
7 turn cooldown Gives an agent +6 +8 AP.
Stim IV
Marathon Stim
Speed 4
4 turn cooldown
1 charge

10 turn cooldown
Gives an agent +10 +12 AP and unlimited attacks this turn.
Adrenaline Syringe 40 Single use Gives an agent +6 AP.
Stim III
Combat Stim
Speed 4
4 turn cooldown Gives an agent +8 AP and restores their attack for this turn. Adds 1 attack action this turn.
Mil-Stim 500 8 turn cooldown Adds 3 attack actions this turn.
Wallet 100 Throw on the ground. When guard spots it, he will become distracted and will investigate it.



New weapon marked with
DLC weapon marked with
Old effect, additional effect

Icon Name Value
Cost to use Damage Armor Piercing Other
Monofilament Baton I 1200 5 turn cooldown
1 charge (max 2)
1 Lethal - 2 Noise radius
Monofilament Baton II 1400 6 turn cooldown
1 charge (max 2)
1 Lethal 1 2 Noise radius
Monofilament Baton III 1600 7 turn cooldown
1 charge (max 2)
1 Lethal 2 2 Noise radius
Monofilament Baton IV 1800 8 turn cooldown
1 charge (max 2)
1 Lethal 3 2 Noise radius
Requires Contingency Plan DLC
Neural Disruptor I 500 3 turn cooldown 2 KO - Noise radius 2
Neural Disruptor II 700 3 4 turn cooldown 2 3 KO 1 Noise radius 2
Neural Disruptor III 900 4 5 turn cooldown 3 4 KO 2 Noise radius 2
Neural Disruptor IV 1100 1 charge (max 1)
6 turn cooldown
4 5 KO 3 Noise radius 2
Thermal Disruptor I 500 3 turn cooldown
4 PWR per armor
1 charge (max 5)
1 KO 4 Noise radius 3
Starting charges 4
Thermal Disruptor II 700 3 turn cooldown
3 PWR per armor
1 charge (max 5)
2 KO 4 Noise radius 3
Starting charges 3
Thermal Disruptor III 900 4 turn cooldown
2 PWR per armor
1 charge (max 5)
3 KO 4 Noise radius 3
Starting charges 2
Thermal Disruptor IV 1100 4 turn cooldown
1 PWR per armor
1 charge (max 1 5)
4 KO 4 Noise radius 3
Starting charges 1
Volt Baton I 1000 4 PWR
2 charges
1 Lethal - -
Volt Baton II 1200 5 PWR
2 charges
1 Lethal 1 -
Volt Baton III 1400 6 PWR
2 charges
1 Lethal 2 -
Volt Baton IV 1600 7 PWR
2 charges
1 Lethal 3 Requires Contingency Plan DLC
Volt Disruptor I 500 3 PWR 2 KO - No changes compared to stock version - included for comparison.
Volt Disruptor II 700 4 PWR 2 3 KO 1 -
Volt Disruptor III 900 5 PWR 3 4 KO 2 -
Volt Disruptor IV 1100 1 charge (max 1)
4 5 KO 3 -


New weapon marked with
DLC weapon marked with
Old effect, additional effect

Icon Name Value
Cost to use Damage Armor Piercing Other
Biogenic D.A.R.T. 1200
7 turn cooldown 2 KO 2 0 -
Cooker 700 1 ammo (max 1) 1 2 Lethal 1 Noise radius 8
Corporate Sidearm 600 1 ammo (max 2) 2 KO
1 Lethal
- Toggle between KO and Lethal damage.
Noise radius 6
Drilling D.A.R.T. 950 1 ammo (max 2) 3 4 KO 1 Noise radius 5
EMP D.A.R.T 700 1 ammo (max 3) 2 KO
3 turn EMP
0 (KO)
2 (EMP)
Toggle between KO and EMP damage.
Noise radius 2
EMP Pistol 450 1 ammo (max 7) 2 turn EMP - Noise radius 6
EMP Rifle 1200 1 ammo (max 2) 6 turn EMP 2 Noise radius 7
Flurry Gun 1250 4 PWR 1 Lethal 2 Noise radius 9
Gamma Beam Generator 2400 15 turn cooldown 1 Lethal 1 Ignores Line-of-Sight obstructions.
Noise radius 11
Gamma Pulse Rifle 1800 1 ammo (max 3) 1 Lethal 2 Ignores Line-of-Sight obstructions.
Cannot be reloaded.
Noise radius 8
Hand Cannon 900 1 ammo (max 3) 1 Lethal - Noise radius 6
K&O Lance Rifle 1500 1 2 ammo (max 1 2) 1 Lethal 5 Ignore Encumbers whoever carries it with a -2 AP penalty.
Noise radius 11
Mono Molecular Rail Gun 1200 1 2 ammo (max 2) 5 2 KO 4 Ignore Encumbers whoever carries it with a -2 AP penalty.
Noise radius 8
Neural D.A.R.T. 450
1 ammo (max 2) 2 KO - Noise radius 2
6 KO damage when target is closer than 4 tiles of distance
Piercing D.A.R.T. 950 1 ammo (max 1) 3 KO 2 Noise radius 6
Ping Pistol 100 3 turn cooldown - Ignore Interrupts guard patrol when used on overwatch.
Plasma Gun 300 1 ammo (max 1) 1 Lethal - No changes compared to stock version - included for comparison.
Riot D.A.R.T. 900 1 ammo (max 3 5) 2 KO - Noise radius 3
Sniper D.A.R.T. 1100 1 ammo (max 2) 2 KO 1 Noise radius 2
6 KO damage when target is further than 7 tiles of distance.
X-Ray Rifle 1000 1 ammo (max 1) 1 Lethal - Ignores Line-of-Sight obstructions.
Noise radius 8