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They say augmentation can have side effects that can shorten your lifespan. In this case, I'd say the side effects of not having augments would be far more dangerous.

Augments give your agents additional abilities or benefits. Most agents begin with one augment, many of which are unique to that agent. Other augments can be acquired from Augment Grafters, bought from Nanofabricators or from Monst3r, or stolen from Scientists.

Augments must be installed in augment sockets. Most agents begin with two augment sockets, and can acquire additional augment sockets using Augment Grafters or Augment Drills in Cybernetics Lab missions, up to a maximum of four sockets. The exceptions are Sharp and Archive Sharp who begin with 6 augment sockets, and Archive Prism who begins with none.

Generally available augments

Augment Value
Anatomy Analysis 650 The agent's attacks with ranged weapons ignore Heart Monitors, at a cost of 3 PWR per attack.
Carbon Myomer Contingency Plan DLC icon 200 Allows the agent to carry one more item without being encumbered.
Chameleon Movement 300 Gives +6 AP whenever the agent becomes cloaked for any reason.
Cryptology Brain Chip Contingency Plan DLC icon 400 Sets the agent's Hacking skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
Distributed Processing 650 Generates +1 PWR with a 50% chance at the start of each turn.
Gel Injectors Contingency Plan DLC icon 600 The agent's base AP is increased by 3, but reduces by 1 per alarm level.
HoloCircuit Overloaders 650 Deals 2 KO damage to all guards within a radius of 2 tiles whenever the agent becomes cloaked for any reason.
Kinesiology Brain Chip Contingency Plan DLC icon 400 Sets the agent's Speed skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
Legerdemain Brain Chip Contingency Plan DLC icon 400 Sets the agent's Anarchy skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
MicroSLAM Apparatus 650 Gives credits at the end of each mission based on how much of the map was explored.
Net Downlink 650 Gives +2 AP whenever a device is hacked, up to a maximum of +6 AP per turn.
Penetration Scanner 650 Gives +1 armor piercing to melee weapons.
Pheromone Filter Contingency Plan DLC icon 550 Gives +2 AP whenever a guard wakes up.
Physiology Brain Chip Contingency Plan DLC icon 400 Sets the agent's Strength skill level to 3. The skill cannot be upgraded further.
Piercing Scanner 650 Gives +1 armor piercing to ranged weapons.
Predictive Brawling 300 Gives +6 AP whenever the agent makes a melee attack.
Reactive Myomer Contingency Plan DLC icon 500 The agent's base AP is reduced by 2, but increases by 1 per alarm level.
Skeletal Suspension 300 Reduces the movement penalty for dragging an agent or a guard.
Subdermal Cloak 400 Renders the agent invisible for one turn at a cost of 5 PWR, whenever they use a stim item.
Titanium Rods 400 Gives +1 KO damage to melee weapons.
Torque Injectors 300 Reduces the cooldown of items the agent uses by 1 turn.

Contingency Plan DLC icon Found in the Contingency Plan DLC.

Unique augments

Augment Description
Adrenal Regulator Nika's augment gives her an extra attack a turn, and +3 AP when she attacks.
Ambient Turbine Contingency Plan DLC icon Olivia's augment generates PWR equal to the KO damage done by Olivia in a melee attack.
Antiviral Proxy Central's augment generates +5 PWR whenever a daemon is triggered.
Crypto Computer Banks' augment allows her to unlock Lvl1 Security Doors without a passcard.
Discharge Rerouter Archive Nika's augment reduces her item cooldown timers by 1 turn when she makes a melee attack, at most once per turn.
Enhanced Optics Shalem 11's augment gives him +1 armor piercing to ranged weapons.
Fabricator Multithreading Monst3r's augment gives him a 15% discount on all Nanofabricator purchases.
Kinetic Capacitor Contingency Plan DLC icon Rush's augment gives her +1 KO damage and +1 armor piercing to melee attacks while sprinting.
Modular Cybernetic Frame Sharp's augment gives him 6 augment sockets, and +1 KO damage for each 3 augments he has installed.
Modular Cybernetic Frame X2 Archive Sharp's augment gives him 6 augment sockets, and +1 armor piercing on melee weapons for each 3 augments he has installed. His base AP is reduced by 1.
Network Siphon Archive Internationale's augment generates PWR equal to 2 times the alarm level each time the alarm level changes.
Neural Networking Decker's augment allows him to reveal the daemon on an adjacent device.
Neural Pattern Grid Contingency Plan DLC icon Draco's augment allows him to scan dead guards to get random skill upgrades, or knocked out guards for random bonuses. Draco cannot buy skill upgrades.
OMNI Security Chip Acquired by Monst3r in the OMNI Mainframe mission.
Particle Envelope Contingency Plan DLC icon Derek's augment allows him to teleport to his Transport Beacon when the beacon is activated, at a cost of 4 PWR.
Refraction Chamber Prism's augment generates +1 PWR when a mainframe device is hacked, up to a maximum of +2 PWR per turn.
Sensory Injector Archive Decker's augment gives him +2 AP when he is seen or noticed by a guard.
Subdermal Tools Dr. Xu's augment allows him to use his attack to disable an adjacent mainframe device for 1 turn, or permanently disable an adjacent guard's Heart Monitor. His base AP is reduced by 1.
Thermal Generator Archive Dr. Xu's augment generates +2 PWR when he uses an item with a cooldown of 3 or more, at most once per turn.
Wireless Emitter Internationale's augment automatically reveals mainframe devices and Consoles within a radius of 6 tiles, and also allows her to hijack Consoles within the same radius.

Contingency Plan DLC icon Found in the Contingency Plan DLC.

augments/index.1618652318.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/17 09:38 by andrew